Incorrect Quotes #5

598 35 14

Hypno: There's a difference between facts and opinions 

Hypno: For example, if I say that Beef is an idiot, that's an opinion

Hypno: But if I say that Hels is an idiot, that's a fact

Ren: Hi I'm Ren, I just moved here from South Africa! :D

Scar: If you're from Africa, why are you white???


EX: I feel sick

TFC: Have you kissed anyone in the last 24 hours?

EX: Y-yes?

TFC: Who?

EX: Wels, but what does that have to do with being sick?

TFC: Oh, nothing. I just wanted blackmail material

Gem: Why do you like Skizz more than us?

Pearl: Yeah, I thought we were besties :(

Impulse: ...

Impulse: I've literally known him longer than you two have been alive

Iskall: Wherever Mumbo is, I hope he's having a good time

Xisuma: Aww-

Iskall: Because I'm gonna beat the shit out of him the moment he comes back

Xisuma: Nevermind

Joe: What's wrong?

Tango: Cleo

Joe: ...

Joe: Understandable

Cleo: I have that affect on people

BDubs: You secretly envy my redstone skills, I know it!

Doc: How can I envy something that doesn't exist?

BDubs: Like your sense of humour?

Doc: Well, the only joke I'm seeing around here is you.

*In the distance*

Zedaph: Should we stop them?

False: Absolutely not 

Etho: Is orange called orange because oranges are orange, or are oranges called oranges because they're orange?

Cub: Which came first; Orange or Oranges?

Stress: The fruit name came first in the 1300s, and then they named the colour after it in the 1500s

XB: Wait, then what was the colour called before that?

Etho: Colour didn't exist back then, catch up

Jevin: One Direction makes no sense

Jevin: If a girl is beautiful because she doesn't know she's beautiful, does that mean she won't be beautiful anymore if she realises it? And then she'll think that she isn't beautiful anymore, will become beautiful again as a result, which creates an endless paradox in which she is the only person in the world who doesn't know how pretty she is.

Keralis: It's 3am Jevin, get out of my nightclub 

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