I Got Tagged...

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Sorry, this isn't actually a oneshot,  but this is the only book I can put it in. So if you haven't read the title, I got tagged by @TheMaskEd-One, and if you don't know what a tag is, I'm basically gonna be answering some questions and passing it on to the next person. 

1. Favourite Horror Movie

I actually hate horror movies, but does Hocus Pocus count?

2. Favourite Ship

Scarian and Huntlow. They make me very happy :]

3. Favourite Character from All Musicals 

I'm not really into musicals, so I cant name any

4. Worst Fear

My worst fear is not one I'd like to talk about, but I hate spiders and bugs

5. Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend

I wish

6. Favourite Song

I don't have a favourite, but it's probably between World's Smallest Violin, Bang!, or Enemy

7. Favourite Author

I'm not sure whether this means irl or on Wattpad/AO3, but I like SamWasNeverHere and CrazyCatMeow's books on AO3 :)

8. Someone You Hate

I don't tend to think of myself as a very hateful person, but there's two really rude people in my class who've been bothering me since last October and I can't stand them

9. Sexuality

Pansexual, surprisingly it's one of the few things about me that hasn't changed/I haven't questioned since I joined Wattpad

10. Favourite Colour

I don't have one, but yellow, purple and black are cool

11. Favourite Animal

Elephants, don't ask why because I'm not really sure either

12. Ever Been in Love?

Nope, at least I don't think I have

13. Kissed Anyone?

Again, no. Why are half of these questions about romance?

14. Worst Mistake

Making an AO3 account back in December 2020. Its been both the best and worst mistake of my life

15. Three of Your Favourite People

My auntie, my best friend and Scar. Its a weird combination but at least I'm being honest

16. Last Time You Cried

Two(ish) weeks ago, I think

And I'm gonna tag 3 people instead of 10 because I can't think of 10 people on the spot




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