"Great at Streaming" - Scarian

861 46 43

Summary: Grian's not as good at streaming as he thinks he is 

"...But I think that'll be it for the stream today, so thank you all very much for watching, and gooooood-bye!"

Grian smiled as he closed YouTube on his computer, before glancing over at the other end of the room and laughing. Just as expected, Scar was waiting in the doorway with a grin on his face. 

"Sooo... how'd it go?" He asked, pulling his Imagineer hemet off as he entered Grian's starter base. 

"Pretty good, I think I'm getting the hang of streaming!" Gri replied, standing up on his toes to fix Scar's hair. "You really need to stop wearing that helmet by the way, your hair is a mess."

"I know you think it's cute, admit it." Scar teased, leaning down a bit so that his nose was practically touching Grian's. 

"Maybe I do, although I think I liked it more when it was longer." He responded, arms around his partner's neck as he pulled him closer. "Not that it matters, you know I'll love you either way..."

He leaned in to kiss Scar, but just as he did, his phone went off. Sighing, he pulled away and glanced at the message.

Xisuma: Grian?

Grian: Bad timing X

Xisuma: I'm aware of that

Xisuma: You're still live 

His eyes widened in concern as he looked back over at his computer. YouTube wasn't even open, there was no way he was still streaming... right? Panic was flooding in his brain as Scar leaned over to read the message, and then walked over to the computer to investigate. He opened YouTube again, and laughed. 

"Oh my goodness."

"What?" Grian asked, getting more worried by the second. "Scar what is it?!"

"Gri...What button did you press to end the stream?" Scar asked, raising his eyebrows as he smiled.

"Button? I just closed YouTube, I didn't see a-" 

He cut himself off as Scar pointed out the 'End Stream' button on the screen.

"Your camera's been turned on this whole time."

Grian felt his entire face go red, and he hastily tried to excuse what was basically undeniable.

"Oh goodness, chat it's not what it-"

"It's exactly what it looks like." Scar interrupted calmly, shrugging and smiling. "We've been together since Season 7."

"Scar!" Grian gasped. "You can't-"

He once again stopped speaking as he looked at the chat. He was expecting hate and reports, maybe worse, but what he saw surprised him.

CRXW_W1FI_S0CK: you guys are a couple? :D

Redtiger0409: awww

rain_55: that's so cute!!!

TheDarkstalker8009: AWWWWW❤❤

Mari_myBeloved: omg they're adorable 

SwoopyMC: Why didn't you tell us?❤

itrytogetinbuticant: aww that's really sweet!

IcyStar_26: ❤❤❤❤

TheAlliedArchives: you're such a cute couple

ATreeOfAshes: that's amazing!

_Eztli_Void_: congrats!

Catalyn-Plays09: you should have told us sooner! ❤


OOOMGgamer: So happy for you guys!

microwaving_snickers: You're adorable together!

Bellablossom06: 😊❤

Emberdnig: CONGRATS

CloudWriterGrey: Aww, you guys are adorable together :)

E2j6hu6: That's brilliant! ❤

--Newmoon–: AWWWWWWWWWW ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

captainmarra1099: OMFG that's really cool!

"I think he's a little shy, chat." Scar admitted, and the flood of positive messages only continued. It took Grian a few moments to take it all in, but eventually he managed to take a deep breath and sit down beside Scar.

He spotted a few of his friends in the chat and laughed a little.

TangoTek: Great job Grian 🤣

SolidarityGaming: Congrats on telling them!

Xisumavoid: It was bound to happen eventually :-)

LDShadowLady: When's the wedding? XD

DocM77: So much for being 'good at streaming' lol

Smallishbeans: You guys are never gonna hear the end of this one 

"I guess I really am bad at streaming, aren't I?" He admitted, looking back over at Scar with an awkward smile. "I think we have a lot to talk about."

A short, fluffy little chapter :)

Thanks to everyone who made a cameo!

- Xan

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