Soulmates (Double Life)

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Ok so I know Scar's episode only came out an hour ago, but when inspiration hits, I take advantage of it.

Grian felt his heart plummet as he stared out across the canyon in dread.

This couldn't be happening.

Not again.

Anyone but him.

Scar was still blissfully oblivious, chasing Allays in circles as he laughed to himself. Every time he slipped or got a little too close to the edge, Grian's chest tightened with fear, until he couldn't watch for any longer and he turned back to Martyn.

"So uh... I guess we're doing this again." He mumbled to nobody in particular, before heading off to try and make a base.

As much as he loved Scar, he wasn't sure if he could handle this again. Fearing for his life every second, not knowing if he'd be ok one moment and dead the next... it was too close to what happened the last time.

Oh well, at least they'd go down together in the end.

Scar had apparently not noticed the little 'test' Grian did, as he was still wandering around looking for his Soulmate. That, or he was just joking. Although, knowing his friend, Gri wasn't sure which one it was.

Had Scar always been this accident prone, or was he only noticing it for the first time? Between goats, cliffs, pillagers and water bucket jumps, it was surprising how careless he was in a world where he only had 3 lives.

Grian began to debate on whether or not to tell him. On one hand, keeping Scar in the dark might keep him out of trouble for the time being. If he was busy looking for his Soulmate, he'd at least stay away from the pillagers.

On the other hand, telling him might mean that he'd stay close to Grian... although he wasn't quite sure if he was ready to go through all of this again. Maybe he'd leave Scar to figure it out for himself... and just follow him to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

Thankfully, Gri's Soulmate just wanted to play with the pandas he found. He still decided to watch anyway, and found it almost calming to see Scar so happy. He was so oblivious, completely unaware of what was happening, and Grian wasn't quite ready to ruin it.

He'd have to tell him before the end of the session though, and now was a better time than ever.

"Scar? Scar I need to show you something." He admitted, walking over to his friend.

"Sure! Just gimme a minute..." Scar laughed, lifting the pandas off of him so he could actually get up.

Grian took his hand, leading him over to a tree. His Soulmate was still smiling as the baby pandas followed him around.

"Ok, look at me." He insisted, pushing Scar against the tree. Then he punched his friend in the face.

Scar gasped in pain, about to question why Grian had done that, before he saw the bright red mark on his friend's cheek. Identical to the one he had.

"...Oh my god."

Gri smiled, somewhat awkwardly.

"It uh... turns out we're we're Soulmates."

"Oh my gosh, that's great! It's just like..."

Scar's face suddenly fell, and he sighed.

"Just like 3rd Life."

"I guess it is." Grian admitted. "But at least we're gonna be together the whole time, right?"

That seemed to cheer his Soulmate up, and he smiled.

"Yeah, if you go, I go with you!" He pointed out, before his eyes lit up. "Ooh, can we think of some cool team names?"


"What about Cat Lovers? Or Scarian?"

"Scar!" Grian laughed, jokingly pushing Scar away.

"Panda Duo?" He suggested, making his Soulmate laugh even more.

"We can think of a name later! For now... I think we have a lot to figure out."

I'm already loving this series.

- Xan

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