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And here's just my list of headcannons for Hermitcraft, the Hermits, and Minecraft in general. If some seem familiar, it's just an edited version of my S8 headcannons. I'll add to this at some stage in the future, if I come up with anything new.

General Headcannons

° The Hermits use a camera to record themselves, and they have little drones to record timelapses of themselves building.

° He hasn't revealed his face, so Etho doesn't take his mask off when he's recording. Xisuma did a face reveal at Ep. 1000, but typically keeps his helmet on. Unless he forgets to wear it when streaming, which happens more frequently than he'd like it to.

° When Etho sneezes, a little bit of snow poofs out of nowhere. So if there's a trail of snow along the server in the middle of summer, you can usually assume Etho has a cold.

° EX is transgender, but hates talking about it.

° There is only one Jellie, and that's Scar's one. There's also a lot more variation between breeds of cats and dogs.

° Scar has arm/leg braces (and usually crutches) to support his muscles, but sometimes needs a wheelchair for extra help if he's not feeling great. He rarely needs to use it, but most of the Hermits try to make their shops wheelchair accessible just in case. The Hermits also write their shop signs in dyslexic friendly font for him.

° Doc is the tallest, and Stress is the shortest. There's a 2ft height difference between them.

° Scar's name is a translation from his birth name, which is in Vex and is very hard for him (or anyone) to read or pronounce. The literal translation was 'scar', so he stuck with it.

° Alongside that, Tango's name was a mistranslation from Netherian to English made by his adoptive parents. They thought his name meant 'tango', when it actually meant 'soul eater'. Needless to say, they stuck with the former once they figured it out.

° Demiboy Iskall. I will say no more.

° Grian for some reason can't grow a beard/moustache, and is super annoyed about it.

° TFC is actually incredibly strong, and is able to lift some of the shorter Hermits onto his shoulders and carry them around like 5 year olds. It's the most wholesome thing on earth.

° BDubs doesn't bring his bed around with him everywhere, instead he always has a blue blanket on him and knows all the best places around the server to take a nap. Scar regularly steals this blanket from him.

° EX is allergic to flowers (he mostly just sneezes a lot when he's near to them) and Hels teases him about this all the time. Wither Roses are the only exception, but that doesn't really make it much better.

° Pearl can hold her breath for over 2 minutes and has no idea how. Zedaph once passed out trying to beat her record.

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