women day

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happy international women's day to all my women followers! y'all are cool. women are cool. (big ol lesbian here lol)

honestly, gonna take this chance to rant a moment about my gender and identity because i feel comfortable doing so, and i need to get some of this out because a weird little thing has popped up in my stupid little brain because of international women's day.

as afab who has identified accordingly my whole life (or at least, not known to identify otherwise) i don't know how long i've been disconnected from womanhood. if i ever had a connection. when i was little i just existed and that was cool. most of the time, i hate the word "woman" and "katelynn" in the same sentence, but if i were to pull myself out of the equation and look at me from the outside, i want to fit in as a woman if that makes any sort of sense

my whole life, i've focused only on women. men have never really had as big of an impact on my life. i've only had girl friends, but in the same vein, all of my hurt and trauma stems from girls. i'm closer with my mom than my dad, but i have nothing against my dad, i love him and he's never done anything to wrong me. i just have always felt more comfortable around women, so a large part of me feeling like i want to fit in as a woman likely just means i want to fit in, period. because women have always been higher in my brain for my whole life. (not good for feminism bc equality but i can't help my brain okay 😭 i've been working on being around men but y'all it's hard sometimes men lowkey suck i need to find some decent men to hang with)

anyway, that's something that i've been thinking about a lot today. i want to fit in with the great women of the past who have done incredible things, i want to be one of them, but i just don't see myself as a woman. an argument could be made that "oh, you're still young, obviously you don't feel like a woman yet" but i can look at the way i perceive myself and the way girls around me perceive themselves and know that that's not true. non-binary fits me because i fucking hate gender (and that's a personal opinion not fact. i know lots of people like gender and are validated by the typical binary system and all non-binary people have different attitudes toward gender but it's all personal!! it's a spectrum and everyone experiences in differently :))

and honestly, if i get older and i'm wrong, at least i'm identifying in what i'm comfortable with now. isn't that all that matters??

anyway all that to say that women are cool and i am stupid and confused. also i like women. have a good women's day, go kill a man or something idk


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