HP Spells Book Tag

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Okaysies I was tagged by axgordon and this is a cool tag idea, so let's go.

Flagrate: Writing Charm. A book that you found interesting but you'd like to rewrite.
- Oh definitely Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray because I haven't gotten through it. I loved her writing style in the first book, with the mystery, the constant flashbacks, and the need to know what happened. It's just annoying now. Like I gEt It HE'S SICK! Tell me fricking WHY! So I quit that a little while ago and then had to return in to the library and I just don't care anymore. I like the concept. Her style is just annoying now.

Alohomora: Unlocking Charm. The first book in a series that got you hooked.
- Pretty much every first book of any series, ever? I guess maybe The Finisher by Vega Jane because it was just so good. And I immediately wanted the sequel and then I had to wait for the third, and now I'm back to waiting for the fourth book.

[and we interrupt the tag to gush about Believe by Josh Groban - played at the end of The Polar Express - which just came on in my Christmas music because I so desperately want it to be Christmas and I love Christmas music. It's good. Give it a listen]

Accio: Summoning Spell. A book that you wish you could have right now.
- Uh, probably Seize Today by Pintip Dunn, which is book three in the Forget Tomorrow trilogy. I think I'm in love with this futuristic dystopian world.

Avada Kedavra: The Killing Curse. Name a killer book.
- Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo. Jesus Wonder Woman (which I totally didn't just try to type as woman woman psh nooo) because I just loved the whole amazingness of the characters and the action and yes.

Confundo: The Confusing Charm. Name a book that you found confusing.
- Oh god. I have no idea.

Expecto Patronum: Guarding Spell. Name your spirit animal book.
- I don't know!!! These are strange questions!!!

Sectumsempra: A Dark Curse. Name a dark, twisted book.
- In some ways, we are the ants, which I'm reading currently. It's not like killing-spree-type twisted, but dark in a different matter. I don't really know how to describe it. One I do know how to describe though is Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer which is literally the world falling apart for four books and no hope of the world getting better. The fourth book is so twisted I didn't even ask for it to complete the series, honestly.

Expecto Patronum: Guarding Spell. Name a childhood book that's connected to good memories.
- Probably Utterly Me, Clarice Bean, because it was the first bigger chapter book I read on my own. And I read the other two on my own as well.

Expelliarmus: Disarming Spell. Name a book that took you by surprise.
- Caraval by Stephanie Garber. Pretty much one of my only favorite books I didn't wind up spoiling for myself, so it definitely took me by surprise. Caraval was a great book btw. I recommend it.

Prior Incantato: Reverse Spell. Last book you read.
- All the way through: Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton. Currently on hold for reading because I'm reading a different book at the moment: we are the ants and Phantom Limbs (I'm reading Paper Towns by John Green rn and I'm reading three books at once).

Riddikulus: Boggart Banishing Spell. Name a funny book that you've read.
- I started laughing a little while I was reading Paper Towns the other day. In school. Thankfully it was quiet enough of a laugh and it was at dismissal time, so I was pretty much reading while I walked, so no one heard. I think.

Sonorous: Amplifying Charm. Name a book that you think everyone should read.
- All my favorites.

Obliviate: Memory Charm. Name a spoiler for a book that you regret having read.
- Uh, I haven't even read The Fault in Our Stars yet, but I want to, and I've already spoiled it for myself because I knowwwww what happenssss. And I'm mad at Pinterest which literally told me like fifty times so. Yeah.

Imperio: Controlling Curse. Name a book that you had to read for school that you enjoyed.
- The only one that comes to mind is Bridge to Terabithia, which we read in fifth grade. Tbh that might actually have been the first book with an opportunity to make me cry, but I didn't simply because it was in school and geez Guys you aren't allowed to cry in school!

Crucio: Torture Curse. Name a book that was painful to read.
- The Cay, which I read for school. It was horrible and my friends and I had a running joke that the cat was the best character and we'd hunt down the author if he so much as touched the cat. Also one of my friends sort of write a story where the cat ate Philip (the main character) to live. and also we were just so mad at Philip because he was a whiny boy who went blind and didn't appreciate Timothy and suddenly appreciated Timothy after he'd frigging dIED. Also, Nothing But the Truth by Avi, which again was a school book. It's a true story, too! I wanted to hunt this kid down - who's name was, guess what! Phillip! - and punch him in the face because he was horrible and got one of his teachers fired for telling him to shut up pretty much while the nATiONAL ANthEM was pLaYinG!! (STAY AWAY FROM PHILIPS IN SCHOOL LITERATURE, I GUESS! GEEZ!)

And that's all! Thanks! G'night!!!



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