NanoWrimo Tag

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Okay, so PaperSwans tagged me to do this and because I have nothing better to do with my time right now, why not?

- When did you begin writing, minus stuff from school, work, etc?
•  Well, I think it was Kindergarten or first grade. I was pretty good at envisioning what I wanted to do in Kindergarten, because I remember wanting to play the violin in Kindergarten and then not wanting to, and hey guess what, I play the violin!
I had written a school assignment (very poorly might I add) and realized "Hey, I like this!"
So my Kindergarten self was a great self. I didn't buckle down with writing until second grade, though, and that's also when I seriously decided I wanted to be an author.

- What was the first book you read, or wrote, that made you cry?
•  Well, I don't really cry over books that often, or cry in general. I did find myself tearing up in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a few times, though.

- Does writing energize or exhaust you?
•  Well, this is an odd question. Uhm, neither, I suppose, unless I'm really tired when I'm writing for exhaust me or if the scene is an exciting scene.

- What is your writing Kryptonite?
•  Writing itself, I suppose.
I can never get the ideas to write, and writer's block is like an ex-boyfriend that won't let me go for more than two weeks at a time. Of course, I have no experience in the matter of exes or boyfriends so. . . .

- Do you try to be more original or to deliver to the readers what they want?
•  Well I don't have very many readers but I write what comes to mind. Sometimes it's original or sometimes it's inspired off of something I recently read.

- What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better author?
•  My friends here on Wattpad, mostly.

•  PaperSwans, who never really fails to comment on my newest chapter on Secrets of the Pages and is just amazing. Also makes great covers for me when I need them.

•  phanaceanmeg, who is also just great in general and if I need a cover, never fails to impress me. (Swansy and Meg where the HECK do you find such great pictures?!)

•  pumpkin- because she's full of encouragement and hugs *hugs her*

•  waterlinia because even though she doesn't read my work, she's a great friend.

•  FaridaIsAFairy because she's great too, even if she doesn't read my work often.

•  And KatesKatering. She told me once I was a great author and I keep her praise very close to my heart when I'm writing. She also once told me that I was better at writing than her. *laughing* I told her off for that, but I'm glad she likes my writing, all the same.

- If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
•  Dear Gazer-in-Training,
Don't you give up on writing. Keep writing in those journals that you always seem to get for your birthday or get 'for school' and use them at home instead. Because that will help you grow. Write every chance you get. It's the best thing you can do to grow.

- What's the best money you've ever spent as a writer?
• Erm, I dunno. I really don't know.

- What's your favorite under-appreciated novel?
• Well, I really enjoy the Vega Jane series by David Baldacci, along with The Unwanteds series by Lisa McMann and the Life As We Knew It series by Susan Beth Pfeffer. I can't choose a favorite. The list goes on and on.

- How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
• I have three unpublished books, but they only have an introduction written, and I'm not sure they'll ever be published.
I have no half-finished books. Enchanted Meadow is close to halfway, but not quite.
So yeah.

- What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before you begin a book?
• I only research as it comes needed. I generally get an idea, elaborate on it in a journal, and begin to write here on Wattpad.

- What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
• Well, I don't generally have problems with this, except for when I have a guy narrate. For example, in Secrets of the Pages. I don't really know how a guy thinks, so I kind of make Jacob's thoughts link to how I've seen boys act and talk, but make him more of a gentleman.

- How do you select the names of your characters?
• Character naming is a real challenge of writing. I go with what sounds good. When I was naming Victorie from Enchanted Meadow, she had three names prior to her current one because I decided the names didn't suit her.

- Did you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
• Well, I'm not exactly sure about what this question is asking, but no, no secrets.

- What was your hardest scene to write, from any book or story you've written?
• Well, any and all of Project Salmadact. I want that book to be perfect, and I have such a writer's block right now for it.

- What's the most difficult part of your artistic process?
• Not exactly sure what this question is asking either, but coming up with the ideas and getting them onto paper, digital or not.

- On average, how long does it take you to write a book?
• I've never finished a book, so I don't know. Year, year and a half, I guess.

- Do you believe in writer's block?
• Believe it's a thing? Oh yeah. It's an awful thing. Awful, awful, awful thing.

- Which of your characters do you feel close to, out of any you've created?
• Well, I haven't introduced this character yet, but Mikaela Warner from Secrets of the Pages. (I actually have introduced her but she hasn't been met by Jacob yet so you haven't met her). I won't give away her character, but I put bits of myself into her.
I also quite like Heather Winnebeg, from SotP as well. She's just so quirky, and I put a lot of my soul into her as well.

- What is one piece of advice that you'd give to other aspiring authors?
• Don't you give up on that story. Your work is good, and someone out there would love to call your work a great story, one that might even change their life.
But that can't happen if you give up, and stop writing for the sole reason of not wanting to.
Because somewhere out there, someone is out there, waiting for a story to change their life.
That story might just be yours.

Well, that's it! I need to tag some people, but I don't know how many, and I only have one person to tag anyways.

So KatesKatering you are now tagged to do this NanoWrimo tag.


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