Captain Kirt is.. What?

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Okay! Okay!! I love cap'n kirt! Yes, it's my least favorite novel I have on my to-write list rn, but it's not that I don't like it, it's just, I like the others better...


CK is going absolutely NO WHERE rn. And that makes me really sad, so what I am going to do-

is rewrite it.

I'm probably going to change almost everything about this story because I'm on - what, chap 17 or 18? - and the story is going no where.

I'll probably wind up making the characters younger because in my head, they're in their mid-20s, but that age didn't work with my times, so I made them older. But I don't like that, so I'm going to change it.


Captain Kirt WILL be back. And maybe I will like it a lot more with the changes I plan on making.

I plan to be focusing more on:

-world building
-character development
-character relationships (because what the h e c k am I doing w/ James and Ettie - their relationship is very poorly done)
-*throws glitter at you* m a g i c *jazz hands*
-freaking aDVENTURE because IT'S AN ADVENTURE BOOK and it has. NO. ADVENTURE.
-writing a good, quality story
-not introducing a character and then dissing her two chapters later (sighs and shakes head at the horror that was Kathryn Fawcett)

So yeah. Fun.



the updated version'll hopefully be up in less than a month. If I really hop to it- it'll be a week or so.

But when do I ever hop to it, hahahahahahahahahaha *forced smile*

So fingers crossed it turns out better than the current version!

Thanks for your time!


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