15 Weird Facts Tag

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Thanks to axgordon for tagging me!
Now there's not much unusual about me, but here goes nothing.

- I prefer country music to pop.

- I'm way to hard on myself.

- I like making lists and sorting things.

- I like organizing~ NOT CLEANING!

- Slightly OCD~ a boy in my class I used to sit next to seriously wants me tested so he knows if I'm actually OCD or not because I'd always rearrange the science textbooks so they were evenly put together, and the numbers on the page on the side of the book were lowest to highest depending on how they were stacked.

- I think I'm ADD, I've had people get mad at me because I can't sit without either tapping my fingers against the table or moving my foot up and down like a million times a minute.

- I once told my friend that I'd crown myself the queen of procrastination, but, "nah, I'll do it later". (I said that heh).

- That friend seems to be seriously judging me because of how much flipping PAIN SoC and CK caused me.

- I can't really work with music playing.

- I'm running out of room to hang stuff on my walls because I have so many certificates and fbawtft posters hung up.

- I get sidetracked really easily. Like right now, I'm supposed to be making my sister's birthday present, and right now I'm also procrastinating my ss homework.

- I'm extremely picky with food and clothes.

- I went through like a mini-depression thing in third grade because I started going so hard on myself if I was so afraid of failure I'd just get myself into a bad state of mind and stay there for a day or so. Those were the days where Harry Potter was new and exciting and it was the first time I'd read it and it literally did put me in a better spot mentally, cause I'd stop worrying about failure.

- I still remember when I was read Goblet of Fire for the first time, I was reading it after my bedtime and I got up to go to the bathroom and stupidly left it open on my pillow, and my parents had of course come in to check on me at that time and I got in trouble.

- I like sweatshirts so much, I don't really take them off until I'm super hot. But that takes a while~ I'm never hot.

So there's fifteen [strange] facts about yours truly. If you'd like to do this, be my guest, but I'm not going to tag anyone. Bai!


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