Book Tags

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I have been tagged for two book tags. So I will do them now.

New Year Book Tag, tagged by axgordon (it's not too late right?)
(Which btw I am answering as books I read in 2017 not that were published in 2017):

Best book of 2017?
- I actually can not choose. Either Miss Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows duology, or We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson, which I gushed about a few chapters prior this one. They are so drastically different that I can't choose one, honestly. Mr. Hutchinson might actually be tied with Miss Bardugo and that's kind of crazy?!? Like at the beginning of last year I believed nothing could be better than HP, then I read SoC. And I believed nothing could be better than that. I may have been wrong, guys.

Favorite author of 2017?
- See above question. One of those two authors.

Biggest disappointment from 2017?
- Uh, probably The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye, I believe? I had high hopes going in because Swans had liked it so much, but I couldn't get into it. I eventually just read the end of the book and called it a day.

Biggest surprise of 2017?
- We Are the Ants, by Shaun David Hutchinson, no doubt about it. I was not sure what to expect from it, and I believed the end would play out very differently than how it did. So it was a very good surprise.

Favorite stand-alone book of 2017?
- I won't bore you by saying We Are the Ants every single time, so I guess Caraval by Stephanie Garber? But it's getting a sequel (which I am VV excited about!) so would it count as a stand alone?

Favorite sequel of 2017?
- I took this as sequel to a book you've read prior to 2017. The third Vega Jane book, The Width of the World by David Baldacci.

Favorite book series of 2017?
- I read the first couple A Series of Unfortunate Events books, so those. Because a series is 4+ books to me.

About how many books were added to your TBR lasts year?
- A lot. I started a to-read list in my room and I had this nice construction paper behind it and I hung a sharpie up on a string so I can check off and add books just whenever, and my sister wrote on my construction paper. So.

About how many books did you subtract from your TBR last year, because you read them?
- Idk like 20 that were actually on my TBR and I didn't pick up randomly.

Which books are you looking forward to most in 2018?
- Shaun David Hutchinson has a new book coming out soon, The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza, which seems really very good.

Okay onto the next, which is the Disney Book Tag

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Okay onto the next, which is the Disney Book Tag. For this one, I was tagged by PaperAndPopcorn

The Little Mermaid. Name a character that's out of their element.
- (I may or may not have had to look up what that meant). Alina from the Grisha Trilogy, by Leigh Bardugo, I guess.

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