Okay so I was tagged by PaperSwans (thanks!) and so yeah.

Okay, so rules;

1- must put the rules
2- tag thirteen people (ahaha no)
3- make up thirteen questions for your thirteen people to answer

Okay, so, let's go

What are your hobbies?
- Uh, well, I enjoy reading, writing, and also I like to play softball/wiffle ball and just play on my phone (aka scroll through Pinterest) because that helps me unwind.

Favorite book?
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

Favorite movie?
- Beauty and the Beast. The new one.

Rain or snow?
- Rain. I hate snow tbh.

If you could be an animal, what would you be?
- Probably a dolphin. Preferably one that doesn't always interact with humans.

Book you most want to read?
- Any John Green book, but I don't know if I'm ready for those yet or not. Cause I've heard they're sad. So. I'd be trash at the end.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- Idk.

Most prized possession?
- Wattpad account. At least I can pretend to be less trashy and sad online. And probably more *throas glitter* fake.

Ever been to a professional play?
- Yes, actually! School of Rock, in New York. It was really good, and the guy was literally Jack Black but not. Like, you know?

Everybody should. . .
- Love unconditionally. Be happy. Help others. Have goals.

Things you find attractive?
- Physical: laughs, freckles, smile (god i melt when my crush smiles or laughs), god just anything I like in him.
- Personality: sense of humor, willingness to listen to me, comforting sense, actually regarding me as a person and not ignoring everything I say, and also them speaking first. That is just so attractive to me, like if you speak to me first and I already have a small crush on you, bam, I'm in love.

Then the girl. . .
- fell for him. She had watched him from the far end of the classroom for the last two weeks, and then their seats had been changed. He wound up next to her. The girl couldn't stop her beating heart, and then he started talking to her, and she knew, she was in love.

Love is. . .
- a force of beauty, strange and mysterious. Full of love, she was, as she watched him talk to the teacher.

Okay those last two blurred together.

So let's try to tag thirteen people.

And anyone else that reads this that hasn't been tagged. Only three gosh thats pathetic.

Okay, the questions. (Hold up this will take five hours)

- Do you have any allergies?

- What type of music do you listen to?

- How easily do you fall in love?

(Too easily, in my case)

- How often do you shower?


- Favorite musical?

- Favorite sports team? (Any: baseball, soccer, basketball, etc)

- Opinion on lgbt+?

- Can you sing?

- Purple or orange?

(Idk I need questions)

- Do you watch Jimmy Fallon?


- Would you rather always miss everything weird that happens, or have everything weird happening happen to you?

- Are you a feminist?

- About how long can you hold your breath?

Okey these are the oddest questions EVER

aaaaand let me double check this is thirteen


Okay I watch Jimmy Fallon and I love him but anyway, bye


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