Question Tag Thingy

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Alrighty so I was tagged by axgordon so yeah.

What's your nerdiest habit?
- Uh none because being a nerd is liking school so I'm going to go with this means "geekiest habit" so I'll answer that.
- Um, probably my brother wanted me to play Lego Dimensions with him and I didn't want to, but he made me, and then he had to go to a friend's house, so, naturally, I beat the ENTIRE GAME without him. ;D Also I love to play cards.

Which word(s) do you overuse?
- Probably, "probably", and also "anyway".

Do you have a good memory?
- I have a weird memory. I can't remember much, expect every word of like half the Hamilton songs, a few DEH songs, and then ranDOM MOMENTS OF MY LIFE FROM WHEN I WAS, hmm, six or younger!

What's your favorite song of 2017 so far (Must be a song that came out this year)?
- Uh, none, really. All the 2017 songs have been ba- ah never mind there's the Zac Brown Band, saving the 2017 music. Well, they released a new album in May, and I think I like Roots from the new album (It's in the link above).

What's something you've done self-consciously?
- I'm always in motion. Always. Either I'm tapping my fingers on my desk or my leg a million times a second, I'm moving my leg up and down a million times a second, or I'm bouncing on the balls of my feet. When I'm in bed on Wattpad, I just type really fast.

Can you juggle?
- I can juggle two balls or objects but no more than that.

What's something on your bucket list?
- Go to Universal's Harry Potter World and get my customized wand. Also, to see Wonder Woman!

What's the weirdest food you've eaten?
- I'm a picky eater, so anything weird, bye! Nothing, really.

What's your favorite color to wear?
- Blue and also mint green.

What's your favorite vegetable?
- Buttered broccoli, string beans, and CUCUMBERS! I'm odd, I love vegetables but hate everything else. Huh.

Blankets or pillows?
- Blankets. I love to make them capes. I walked around the house with a cape-blanket for the whole day a few days ago.

Favorite commercial?
- PIG IN A BLANKET! I laugh every time! Of course I laugh at all the geico commercials!

Especially all the piggy ones. And maybe The Oldest Trick in the Book.

What's your favorite song of 2017 (A song that you found this year but didn't come out this year)?
- The Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack. Especially Waving Through a Window and Sincerely, Me! I have those two practically memorized even though I only listened (ahem watched) the musical not even a week ago.

Where do you find your characters names for your stories?
- Depends. The entirety of the Black Rose crew, minus James and Roland, plus Kathryn, were found on a generator website for pirates. It generated a regular name with a pirate-y nickname that I didn't use for any of them, because they were kind of dumb.

Who's your celebrity crush?
- Eeeeek not really crush, but cinnamon roll, is Eddie Redmayne.

What songs are you looking forward to?
- Dodie's next EP, which, according to her, is *totally* not happening and *totally* not going to have 6/10 on it.

Which TV shows are you looking forward to in this new year?
- I don't really watch TV anymore since my dad cancelled Netflix and I have no way to watch Once Upon A Time.

Thoughts on fidget spinners?
- They're so stupid! I like the original purpose, for ADD kids, but now EVERYONE has one and they're getting banned in classrooms because NOT-ADD kids are using them and if they were ADD they could focus on the lesson with the fidget spinner sorta in the background, but nope, everyone uses them, and focuses only on ten fidget spinner. I feel strongly about it.

Do you ever read a book series out of order?
- No way! I started HP from the fourth book before and continued on, but that's just skipping the first three, not reading out of order, which I could never do.

Favorite book duology?

Okay, I tag all my friends and followers and just people reading this that haven't done this tag yet.

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