Reading Tag

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PaperSwans created a tag! And tagged me so here I am...

And the tag is to basically say how you got into reading and all so yeah. Wow, I'm even awkward online half the time. Wow.



So in like Kindergarten my mom, my brother, my sister and I would all lay on someone's bed and listen to my mom read a story before prayers and bedtime. Eventually, in first grade, it progressed into my mom reading me a chapter of Clarice Bean (god I loved those) before bed. I loved those books so so much, that I made my mom read me like three chapters every night.

On night, my mom had a horrible headache, and she told me she was going to skip reading me my chapters. Man I was devastated, so I picked that book up and read.

That was my first clear memory of reading a book by myself that wasn't like a picture book, and from there, I stayed in my room as my mom read to my siblings, and I tried to block out the sound of a different story as I read Clarice Bean, or Ivy and Bean, or those magic fairies things (dude I was like six don't judge), and magic treehouse. Eventually, I started reading the stories of Clementine, and then Just Grace, and I loved em all. This was all in first and second grade, and the beginning of third. I read Roald Dahl and all them and by the end of third grade, my mom had paid me five dollars to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

I distinctly remember a night in fourth grade when I was supposed to be asleep, but instead I was reading Goblet of Fire, and my sister and I shared a room at this time and we had bunk beds. I got up to use the bathroom and left the book sitting there and my parents came in and saw the book and I got in trouble for not being asleep and that's why I'm publishing this late, that was my first stay-up past lights out

Anyway that's another story

The end of third grade my mom got me into a new series, Gregor the Overlander (gr8 I recommend) and then around Christmas time of that year she got me into Percy Jackson and that is where my complaining about "THIS DIDNT HAPPEN IN THE BOOK" came from. I blame only on the PJ movies. -.-

And then in fifth grade, I read yet another series I grew obsessed with that I had to wait for almost every book to come out, The Unwanteds.


Last year my reading teacher and a sub were talking about something and the sub told me they liked my HP shirt and my teacher said "you rarely see Katelynn without Harry Potter in her pile of books" and ah that teacher got it

And now I'm straying off topic

Oh and I just remembered something very important to this whole tag

In first grade, we did this thing where you recorded how many "books" you read (really you could just record every chapter you read down) and it became a competition within your homeroom. There was this one boy who I immediately started to compete against, and we were toe to toe first and second place all year. That was the reason I wanted my mom to read to me every night, and why I read for myself when she didn't want to that one night.

I do believe I beat the boy by a couple of books... and we were both well into the thousands lol

Anyway that's really it

And yeah so tell me how you guys got into reading! :D

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