Car Ride

26 8 13

So I'm in the car right now and I'm listening to my music, and my dad has on four freaking hours of Dan Patrick on Demand (so bleh) and,

guys my dad has like a gps on, and it's got an actor's voice

Hold up lemme ask who it is

Okay it's Mr. T so idk who that is but he's probably hilarious cause the GPS keeps going "KEEP LEFT, FOOL" and stuff like that over top of dan Patrick and his buddies laughing and talking about sports.

So I'm so bored.

I would have Hamilton playing but that would mean me jamming along and my brother is asleep and my sister is trying to sleep, so...

No Hamilton. :(

Whoops I just sneezed on my pillow

Allergiessssss ughhhh

So there's a fishing rod next to me, so that taps against the window sometimes and is super annoying, and then on the floor, there's two cases of beer, so when we hit a bump, all 24 beer cans rattle and that's also annoying.

Hey I haven't heard the gps in a while.

Hmmmmm. . .

Well we're in DC right now, we passed the Washington Monument, and the Pentagon

Anyway, it's kind of cramped in here because we've

Ahahahahahah the gps just went "in one mile, EXIT RIGHT!"


I'm exhausted and laughing too hard at that oh my gosh

"In a quarter of a mile, EXIT RIGHT"


I cantttt stop laughingggg (silently I've mastered that art yay)

Okay I'm so hungry. There's pop tarts and donuts right next to me but they're not until 7ish. Ugh.


now I'm just rambling on about that gps and

Oh my gosh I just asked my dad if the gps was just supposed to insult him whilst telling him what to do, and he replied "it's not supposed to insult me, it's Mr t!"

Ahah ahah I don't even know who that iiiiiisssss

Okay let's play a fun game called look around me.

Hm. .

There's a giant truck to my left.

Honestly what the heck am I doing I'm so bored I'm just typing stuff randomly

I would write but I'm too tired to properly form werds

Look a million car dealerships in a row!

Oh my gosh!!!!

Someone on Dan Patrick just said, "since this is the last Dan Patrick shoe ever, this one's out to you!" And then cut to "AAAAAHHHHHH AHA" like musically and my sister dad and I are all dying of laughter for like ten seconds

Ah car rides.

I'm so boreddddddd

Guys expect like a million updates in a row up until I get to the beach house. Maybe till the restaurant, which is before the beach house.

You know what I'll just make it all one chapter so I don't bug you!!!

But I wanna talk.

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