13 Questions Tag (Twice!)

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So here's the first one, I was tagged by axgordon for this one:

The 13 Questions Tag

Do you think animals have emotions?
- I've honestly never thought about it. Yes, I guess?

Would you stick by a friend if they become disfigured?
- Why wouldn't I?

What's your favorite summertime activity?
- Does being antisocial count because apparently that's all I do. No, I like wiffle ball in the court with friends and my brother and sister.

Would you rather have ten siblings or be an only child?
- Neither, but if I had to chose, be an only child. Two siblings is enough thank you very much.

Do you experience phantom vibration?
- I experience phantom hearing someone call my name, but not phantom vibration, which I didn't even know was a thing.

Thoughts on stay-cation?
- Gimme.

What's the best invention of the past 50 years?
- ... the internet... and all the medical advances and everything. There is no best everything is equally amazing and good. (Except for stuff that isn't)

Do you think fashion helps society in any way?
- Possibly. I honestly don't really care about fashion, tho, so I couldn't care less.

What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?
- GET MARRIED! Nah no jk. Getting married isn't outrageous. Actually, it's opening up a library. I honestly have no idea if it will ever happen, but it is something I would really like to succeed at.

Do you prefer the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?
- Winter I guess because it doesn't mess up agt.

Which holidays have been over-commercialized?
- Idk if it counts but Black Friday, and also Christmas.

What are some foods you know you shouldn't eat but can't help yourself?
- I eat too many m&ms because a lot of my family has a bowl out whenever we go over so I guess m&ms. I never tell myself "no you can't eat that" tho. I'll tell myself "STOP EATING THAT" not no.

What flavor of ice cream do you wish existed?
- Andes mint ice cream.

Okay onto the next, another 13 question tag, and I was tagged by ailurophilic-

How would you describe your style?
- Sweaters or sweatshirts. Boots. That's really me. I have no style.

Do you have lots of good friends?
- I do actually. Some of them I feel close to but I feel like they aren't close to me but. Ah well.

Do you keep up with politics?
- I try. You know, is it completely crazy that I am hoping my teacher recommends me for AP gov't next year? I mean I won't take the AP class most likely, I'll opt for honors, but I love U.S. history and gov't and I try to keep up with current stuff. My method probably isn't best, which is to watch biased YouTube but it gets the point across. I love government and I only learned that in U.S. history class. (Everyone goes: UGH NOTES!!! I go: YESS NOTES WOO WE GON' LEARN ABOUT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE YASSS).

Where do you listen to your music from?
- The equipped Apple Music. Sometimes pandora.

What would you describe as a healthy love relationship?
- Both people happy with each other, no moves from one person without the other's consent. Support from both ends to the other, and willingness from both people to continue the relationship.

Have you ever moved houses?
- Yea but I was like five. And I didn't move that far.

Do you like your school?
- I love my school. Probably mainly because when high schoolers walk into our classroom everyone just is #annoyed and we're in ms not hs so it's cool. I love my middle high school.

Favorite fruit?
- I feel like it depends on the day when I'm asked this question. Like sometimes the answer is raspberries, and other times it watermelon. I love them both though. Maybe they are tied for #1.

Do you like odd numbers or even numbers?
- Numbers... ew.

Do you sleep with you door open or closed at night?
- My parents make me keep it open if we have the AC or the heat on but I prefer it closed. It makes me feel a little safer. Idk why.

Favorite show to watch?
- Modern Family or The Goldbergs. Or Speechless. All ABC shows on every Wednesday night. *smiles*

Do you watch YouTube a lot?
- Not as much as my brother, but yes.

Favorite season?
- I thought "of what" at first but ahaha this one is not related to tv like the question 2 questions ago. Autumn.

Okay that's all. I don't feel like coming up with 13 questions to tag anyone so that's that. Bye


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