HP Tags 1, 2, & 3

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So axgordon tagged me in one and two a while ago but I didn't realize it so I'm doing those two while I do tag 3, which I was tagged in today. This is like 90 questions so this'll probably be the longest part in this book. So let's go.

Part One

Harry Potter books or movies?
- The books, definitely. The movies just added some stupid stuff and took out some good parts. For example: ACTUAL GOOD FRIEND RON.

Favorite book?
- Order of Phoenix. Idk I just really liked that one, because it was the first time Harry really thought that hey, maybe people aren't telling me everything, when they very obviously weren't. Also I just liked at the end how the Ministry showed up and had to apologize to Harry and Dumbledore and I loved the Weasley twins in this one. Also I loved Christmas at Grimmauld Place.

Favorite movie?
- Either Sorcerer's Stone of Chamber of Secrets, because RICHARD HARRIS WAS THE BEST DUMBLEDORE IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, fIGht mE!!!!1'!11!!

Favorite female character?
- Luna. She's just my favorite character in general, though, because she's so smart and quirky and I love her. Second favorite, Ginny. She's so badass.

Favorite male character?
- Ron Weasley!! He was the best friend of all time, come on! He's so under appreciated, though. Like I'm the movies.

In your most honest opinion, who was Harry's father figure?
- Arthur Weasley and Hagrid. Like, everyone thinks, Dumbledore, and Sirius, but, no. Sure, Sirius was awesome, and he was always there for Harry (when he could be) but he was so irresponsible, he probably never would have been much of a good father. So, Arthur, for obvious reasons, and Hagrid, because he was the only one who was always there for Harry. From transporting him to the Dursleys after his parents' death, to being the one to carry him when he was presumed dead to everyone.

Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
- Ron and Hermione. Harry literally tells Ron that Hermione is like his sister. Ron and Hermione, on the other hand, it was always so obvious that they liked each other, because they were squabbling like elderly couples do. ;D

Who's your favorite HP ship of two people that you want to be together, but aren't?
- None? The only time I shipped people with other peoples (that they didn't wind up with) was in Hunger Games but I eventually relented and went with who she wound up with.

Would you rather live with the Dursleys or the Malfoys?
- Uh, the Dursleys. Because Dudley has a witch daughter ayeeeee. #loopholes.

Would you rather be an Animagus or a Metamorphagus?
- Metamorphagus. I could change my hair every day, and like every outfit would fit me. Also it just seems cooler than being able to turn into one animal.

Saddest death?
- Dobby. *sobs*

Favorite villain?
- None?

Jily or Snily?
- Well, let's take into effect that Snape called Lily a MudBloOd, and was just really, really, weirdly obsessed with her. Obviously it's Jily. They were such a great couple peoples.

Favorite teacher?
- McGonagall. She was so awesome, and sarcastic, and I loved her.

Favorite ghost?
- Uhm, none?

What position would you play in Qudditch?
- None. Maybe Beater. Otherwise, I can't throw and catch a ball while moving, and I can't stop a ball from going through a goal, and I can't spot a large cow let alone a tiny flying ball. And I can hit balls so yeah. I guess Beater.

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