Halloween Tag & Across The Universe

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Okay I'm like dead to Wattpad. I haven't updated and haven't really been on much except for writing (it sounds crazy, but I'm writing- just not CK or HoT) and reading a couple books on here. Forever Lyla is what I'm reading right now on here.

Anyway it's not in the title but I read Wonder Woman: Warbringer and I loved it. Diana was just so... perfectly Diana, I guess. And I loved Alia, but aLsO wHy is LeIgH so gooD at pAIN?!?!

Anyways that was good I liked that. Also since I've updated I've watched this movie called Across the Universe and I loved it. It's a movie revolving around like Beatles songs, and it takes place during the Vietnam War, so the time of hippies and peace and the Beetles.

And the war I guess.

It was really good, and if you like Beetles music pretty much covered by some pretty gr8 singers than thIS MOVIE IS FOR YOU! If you don't, STILL WATCH IT!!

A warning: the beginning is kind of confusing, because it's giving like the backstory of all these people and it's just flashing quick, and then it's kind of weird at a few points but still good.

Also might jerk yourself to tears during Let It Be because wooooowwwww

So anyway, onto the tag. Btw this will probably be how these updates work now. A tag and a posting of my life.

Okay so I was tagged by axgordon a little while ago but I've just now gotten around to it, so let's go.

Favorite Halloween song?
- I don't have one? I guess I like the Halloween song they sing at the beginning of The Nightmare Before Christmas but that's it?

What's something that you wouldn't want to run into in a dark forest?
- If you think I, a coward, am going to go in a dark forest, you are 100% wrong so I wouldn't want to run into any of anything in a dark forest except the way out.

What's the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you while you were alone?
- I thrive off of alone time so nothing really. I just don't care. I put in earbuds or watch a bootleg and that really it, I guess. Maybe the pipes just sort of creaking and thinking I'm hearing someone walking around downstairs, I guess.

If someone dared you to go in a haunted house, would you?
- If someone dared me to go into a stranger's house, I wouldn't do it. I'm not about to walk into a stranger's house that is said to be HauNTeD!

Are you a superstitious person?
- Not really.

Do you get scared easily?
- *from beneath my covers* maybe..

Favorite Halloween movie?
- ITS THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN!!! The only Halloween movie we always watch.

Would you rather go trick-or-treating or go to a Halloween party?
- Uhm, stay home. In pajamas. With my phone. So neither. I'm not trick-or-treating this year and I really don't want to go to the Halloween party we're going to go to.

What was the first Halloween movie you ever saw and how old were you?
- I don't know! I was probably like a baby or something and I probably watched It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown first. Idk.

Who would you be in a horror movie - the first one to die, the smart one, the skeptic one, or the funny one?
- The nonexistent one? Nah, probably the first one to die. I would not be able to keep my head in that situation and I have close to no common sense to start with. Idk.

What was your first Halloween costume?
- I'm pretty sure it was Pebbles from the Flintstones. The dress my mom made for it was still in the basement. It's so tiny because I was a baby.

Trick or treat?
- Treat, I guess.

Do you think you can get too old for Halloween?
- I think I am but I don't think people do. I just don't like Halloween, I guess. I haven't really for a while. I always feel uncomfortable trick-or-treating and dressing up and ughhhh I don't like it at all.

Group Halloween costumes or solo costumes?
- No costumes!

Are you the type of person who plans their costume weeks in advance or last-minute?
- Nothing is really last-minute with me, unless it's a school assignment. Not finishing early or getting it done before the deadline kind of stresses me out.

Which spooky animal would you like as a pet - a black cat, an owl, a bat, or a wolf?
- My neighbors' black cat, who is an outdoor cat and very nice. But only that black cat. Any other one might be mean.

Have you ever carved a jack-o-lantern?
- We do every year.

Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

Are you the person that gets scared or does the scaring?
- I get scared. I hate it.

Scary costume or funny costume?
- I. Don't. Like. Scary. Things.

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy Halloween?
- 3 maybe. I much prefer Thanksgiving and now Halloween will just be another day. And that will be it.

Favorite Halloween decoration?
- I'm going to take this as fall decoration instead. I like leaves and like orange and red flowers and such.

Vampires or zombies?
- None.

Does your family decorate your house for Halloween?
- Not really, we more of decorate for fall. But at Christmastime our house is almost Christmas Cheer Land and I love it.

How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
- I don't.

What's your favorite candy?
- Mint chocolate things. But not York Peppermint Patties because I realized they taste like chocolate around toothpaste and its just gross. Oh, I also like the cookies and cream Hershey's bar. So. Good.

What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
- A person who did not want to dress up at all.

That's all, yay!

Thank god that's over with.


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