17 [20] Questions Tag

35 7 24

It's supposed to be 17 questions Tag but I despise odd numbers (I go out of my way to try and change them unless it's like a game score or the answer to a math problem) because I don't like odd numbers. So I've made it 20 questions and yeah.

Biggest fear?
- I have this irrational fear of being eaten alive by spiders. I blame my family for my arachnophobia.

Favorite smell?
- I love the smell of books and the smell of vanilla, and any baked good while it's baking. Oh and the smell of bacon on the stove mmm...

Worst fashion mistake?
- I've never really had a fashion mistake, but maybe that year in elementary school (probably second grade) where I refused to brush my hair and simply put it back in a ponytail every day.

Can you keep a secret?
- Yes. Though it's a little hard sometimes cause I have to tell someone but generally I swallow that feeling because that person has trusted me and I cannot betray their trust.

Do you dream while you sleep? If so, do you remember your dreams when you wake up?
- Sometimes and no.

How old were you when you learned to blow bubblegum?
- Heh... yeah... young... hehehhehe....
okay I can't blow bubblegum yet. Sadly.

What animals have you ridden?
- Horses. That's it.

What do you think is the most underrated job?
- School librarians.

What job would you never have?
- Algebra or calculus teacher. Cause no. Or just any sort of gross job cause I can hardly put dishes in the dishwasher without being super grossed out.

When did you start watching TV?
- I was very young. My mom and I, we'd sit with my sippy-cup filled with milk and watch Blues Clues before my bedtime. Every night, without fail.

Do you like climbing trees?
- Cherry trees. Any other tree, especially pine trees, no way. I have said this before; I am mildly afraid of heights and most of it comes from the pine tree across the street I used to climb all the time and I'd go pretty high and then I'd get super scared I'd fall so...
But I like cherry trees. My best friend has one and we once made a pulley system for us to bring our books (they were HP books) and phones up without having to climb up with them, and we read in the cherry tree. Plus they look so pretty in bloom.

What's your one selfish wish?
- I dunno. I've got a few wishes, but I wouldn't consider them selfish so much as life goals.

Do you believe in luck?
- I don't really understand this question so I'm just not going to answer it. *thumbs up*

Are you the person in front of the camera or behind the camera?
- Behind. I love to film and then edit it all because that's just one of my passions. I'm behind the scenes and all that good stuff.

Do you talk with your hands?
- Sometimes.

Pet peeve?
- Squeaking shoes!!!! Like, wet sneakers on the tile floor! Gaaaah!

Funniest movie you've ever seen?
- I don't know!

18~ Do you watch older movies?
- Yeah. Sometimes. That's really generally the movies I watch, unless newer movies appeal to me.

19~ Longest book you've read?
- Probably Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I don't believe I've ever read a book longer than 870 pages.

20~ Can you sing?
- Yes. I actually heard my aunt (dads sister) singing star spangled banner to show my sister she could and I walked up to my mom, hugged her, and thanked her for giving me her singing genes. (My aunt cannot hold a tune. Nor can my dad, brother, or other sisters if my dad. Idk about my dads parents but I got lucky with getting my mom's singing genes).

Well that's it your tagged if you haven't been tagged and you want to do it. You don't have to do the last three questions as those are my add-ons.

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