Wattpad Tag

37 6 12

Thanks to axgordon for tagging me. I just got back into tag mood recently so yay here we go.

How long have you been on Wattpad?
- It'll be two years in April sometime.

How did you find Wattpad?
- Through a friend.

How many accounts do you have on Wattpad?
- Technically only one, unless you count group accounts, then I'm a part of the TheCommentanati account.

What's the most annoying thing about this app?
- Sometimes the comments will glitch and go onto the previous chapter and I hate that.

What's your favorite thing about this app?
- That it exists. Idk.

How many followers do you have on Wattpad?
- 128.

How many people do you follow on Wattpad?
- 20.

How many reading lists do you have?
- Five. I have a different on for each of the genre of books I read basically.

How many books do you have on your reading list(s)?
- 51 total, each with between 5 and 20 books on them.

If your profile pic is not yourself, please explain the story behind it.
- She looks like me except for the hat. Plus it's really pretty and yeah.

What's the story behind your bio?
- OTP's, ships, and favorites are on my bio, basically. It's a mess.

If you were to change your username, what would you change it to and why?
- I like my current one. It sounds very aesthetic-y (to me) and I just love the effect it has on me. It's definitely a keeper.

How many ghost followers do you have?
- MOST OF MY FLIPPING FOLLOWERS! Ugh ghost followers bug me. So, you have time to go through and follow hundreds of people at a time, but not to say "you're welcome" when I thank them for the follow? Plus most of them follow me and I never hear from them ever again.

Do you do follow for follow?
- No, I like to have a lower number of people I follow for whatever reason.
And lemme tell you a story.
This guy follows me, I thank him for the follow. Alls okay, until he responds "can you follow me back?" and I say - extremely politely, might I add - "I'm sorry, I don't do follow for follows, but I thank you for the follow anyway! It means a lot to me!" and he makes this rude comment (I don't really remember what it was but I got really offended) and unFOLLOWED ME! I blew up on him and deleted the conversation. So yeah.
I've never even debated follow for follow since then.

If you could improve Wattpad in one way, what would it be?
- Uh, I'd keep the comments from messing up all the time.

I tag no one, you can do it if you'd like though.



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