Update and College (ahhhhh)

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Hi. It's been a minute. I hope you're all safe and healthy (with the current global crisis of the world)

Okay so this has been a long time coming. The last part of this book was nearly a year and a half ago, haha. I've kinda stopped doing stuff in this book because I thought it was cringey stuff (and it is lol) but I kinda want to get something off my chest and with ✨social distancing✨ I can't exactly rant to my friends. (Who am I kidding I wouldn't anyway)

First here's the little update regarding WRITING:

I made a lot of stupid promises in the last part of this book. I said I'd update each of my books once a month (hah) and finish "Forgetting Me" by November of 2018!

So, perhaps some promises have been broken (all lol).

But I have been writing! I returned to Heroes of Today, and I'm quite pleased with the new direction I'm taking it. I'm not sure if I'll publish it here on Wattpad. I want to? But idk if publishing it will suddenly make me feel pressured to finish it at which point I wouldn't wANT to finish it, even if no one reads it!

If I do publish it, it'll be because I want to tell myself "this is done !! Don't edit anymore !!" (Which I've been doing a lot of.. going back to chapter 1 or 2 to make "touch ups" and then never writing a new chapter!) But I am proud of what I've written for it in the past few months.

Other than Heroes of Today, I've been noticing a severe lack in my writing. It makes me really sad, but that brings me to the second topic in the title.


Ahhhhhhh guys why does college exist??

During this time of quarantine, my mom has tasked me with college research. That is a truly daunting task!!

And I have sWORN for the past few years "I'm majoring in English at this One College" but NOW, oh boy. I've really sort of taken a look with college applications starting next year and guys! I don't want to major in English!!

Okay. I LOVE to write on my own time. I love the creative aspect of it, and I'm very proud of my work. BUT I don't enjoy any other aspect of English class. I don't actually want to major in English.

So a few weeks of me sort of frantically trying to figure out what I shOULD do occurred. Now, I think I may have an idea ?

When I was younger, I was super interested in architecture. Then i heard "it has math" and when you're in third grade, hating math is pretty much ingrained into your brain. Looking back I'm not entirely sure how much of that hatred was me actually hating math or because all my friends disliked math so I haD tO tOo (or maybe I was bored in class, I was always in a lower math class than I should've been in elementary school).

Now I do like math. I like the challenge that comes with it, and I'm pretty good at it.

My mom says "you should look at engineering" and I then find architectural engineering.

And after a decent amount of research, I'm sold! I'm sold and I want to be an architectural engineer! BUT there are only like 23 colleges that offer that degree, and they're all either Very Expensive or Very Far.

After about a week of research I am now completely in love with Private Expensive College but it is so expensive. I don't have the kind of money needed to go there. But it's also the closest to where I live, so that is a real selling point too.

but it is just so expensive and idk what to do. I'll be getting a job before summertime comes (at a grocery store so wish me luck with that holy sheet) and this grocery store DOES have scholarships, but idk how selective they are and IDK.

The future is a scary and exciting thing and ohmygoshiwanttogotoPrivateExpensiveCollegesobadp

Anyway. Thanks for taking the time to read me unloading, I appreciate it! And please, stay safe, stay healthy, practice your social distancing (but if you're like me you never left home anyway) and WASH YOUR HANDS!!

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