A-Z Bookish Survey

41 6 52

Tagged by PaperSwans so here we go!

A- author you've read the most books from
- Rick Riordan with ten [eleven but I didn't enjoy the Kane Chronicles] books. Soon it'll be Lemony Snickett, once I finish the series, (but I'm only on the first one!).

B- best sequel ever
- Gotta agree with the swan here, Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo.

C- currently reading
- The Width of the World by David Baldacci. The third book of the Vega Jane series I love.

D- drink of choice while reading
- Hot chocolate or hot tea in the colder months, and lemonade or my dads/turkey hill's iced tea in the hotter months.

E- e-reader or physical book?
- Physical book. There's just something a physical book has that an e-reader or kindle will never have. Maybe it's the ability to take it to school.

F- fictional character you probably would have actually dated in High School
- Well I'm not quite in High School yet, but probably like Leo Valdez (Heroes of Olympus) maybe.
Update: Delph Delphia from the Vega Jane series.

G- glad you gave this book a chance
- HARRY FREAKING POTTER! I had absolutely ZERO intentions to read this book in third grade when that's all I ever did, but my mom gave me five dollars to read Sorcerer's Stone in third grade and she says that's the best five dollars she ever spent.

H- hidden book gem
- Uhm probably.. uh... I don't really know.

I- important moment in your reading life
- When I mastered the art of reading while walking.

J- just finished
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by our queen, J. K. Rowling.

K- kind of books you won't read
- Horror and stupid romances, like Fifty Shades of Grey type. *shudders* I want to start getting into [some] romances, but I always forget whenever I go to the library.

L- longest book you've read
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling, with 870 pages and - information following this message courtesy of swans - 257,045 words.

M- major book hangover because of...
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo! It ended on a cliffhanger and it had so much PAIN and I was ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT IT, and then Crooked Kingdom might have been even WORSE book-hangover because I was just like "!!!!!! Need! More! But! There's! No! More!" and my friend now refers to the duology as "the book that killed Katelynn".

N- number of bookcases you own
- One. :(
It goes up five shelves, but only three of them are used for books because I don't have too many and I keep other stuff on the top two (for the time being).
Bonus: my messy bookshelf:

O- one book you have read multiple times- The entire Harry Potter series

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O- one book you have read multiple times
- The entire Harry Potter series. I've read it almost five times now.

P- preferred place to read
- My favorite favorite place to read is three hours away, at my family's house on the bay. We have an indoor swing on the porch. Maybe I'll take a picture of it next time I'm down there. Anyway, it's my favorite spot to read, because I like swinging the swing and listening to it creak as I read and ah, just, ❤.

Q- quote that inspires/give you all the feels from a book you've read
- So! Many! But for inspires, gotta go with a Dumbledore classic:
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
And one for all the feels:
A Kaz Brekker being a actual amazing human being which I won't put cause spoilers [kind of]. But it starts, "I would come for you."

R- reading regret
- Not reading as much as I used to.

S- series you started and need to finish (all the books are out in the series)
- A Series of Unfortunate Events. But I haven't even finished the first one yet, as I got it last night and I'm occupied with Vega Jane. Oh I know who I need to put in the "F" letter column thingy...
Okay, 'tis done.

T- three of your all-time favorite books
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, The Finisher by David Baldacci, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling.

U- unapologetic fangirl for
- Quite a few books. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Vega Jane, The Unwanteds, Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom etcetera etcetera.

V- very excited for this release. more than all the others
- Probably the untitled book four of Vega Jane because there will! be! another! He's said there will be!

W- worst bookish habit
- I'll completely 100% ignore anyone that tries to talk to me while I'm reading.

X- x marks the spot. start from the top left of your bookshelf and choose the twenty-seventh book
- The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester.

Y- your latest book purchase
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at long last. Finally. It took me forever to get a copy of each.

Z- zzzz-snatcher (last book that kept you up way too late)
- The latest I read to is 9, but last night I read until 9:30 with The Width of the World by David Baldacci.

Okay that's it!

I tag anyone who wants to do this.

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