Tag Thing

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I don't really know what to call this tag except for I MISSED IT WHEN I WAS ORIGINALLY TAGGED AHHHAHAHAHHHH

So I was tagged by PaperSwans and it was a cool tag and I guess I never even saw the part?!?!? I mean it was in the beginning of AprIl??

The only reason I saw it was because I like to go back in random books for.. reasons.. but anyway I missed it and now I'm here! To do it! Woo!

You were just told that you are destined to save the world. You can bring five fictional characters with you. Who would you choose?

Okay so I know for sure, Nina Zenik from Six of Crows because she can stop an opponent's heart rate and can heal lots of injuries.

Ooh maybe Wonder Woman because she's literally a goddess and is good at combat and that sort. Also the lasso of truth for our interrogations.

Emma Swann from Once Upon A Time because she can get things done, and she's probably not phased by anything anymore. She's faced a lot of weird stuff. Also, more magic.

Oh god who else?

Oh Leia Organa from Star Wars because she is just such an amazing, strong female. She'd get the job done.

One more.

Uh, Black Widow, because she literally trained with the Winter Soldier. Also, she can quickly analyze everything, and is good at hand to hand.

So there's my.. dream team.

We're all powerful females woo! Most of them have magic. Yay!

Okay I tag everyone that wants to do thissss.

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