Harry Potter Questions Tag

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Okay I was tagged by OneWiththeRain so *peter pan voice* here we gooooooo!

What is your Ilvermorny house?
- I'ma Thunderbird. ;)

What's your Hogwarts house?
- Ravenclaw! I'm actually 91% Ravenclaw so yeah, I'm pretty Ravenclawish.

What's your house hybrid?
- I don't really know. Not Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Either Slytherclaw or Ravenpuff, or whatever it is. *quickly finds a quiz to take*. Slytherclaw!

What is your wand wood, length, core, and flexibility?
- Hawthorn wood with a Phoenix feather core, 12.25" and Surprisingly Swishy flexibility.

What is your patronus?
- A stoat. It's adorable and perfectly matches me after I looked up what they are.

Favorite book?
- Order of the Phoenix.

Favorite movie?
- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I don't really have one? I liked them all. I could tell you a LEAST favorite *cough* Half-Blood Prince was terrible *cough* but not a favorite.

Favorite main character and what scene made you like them?
- Ginny Weasley. And I guess all of them! I love Ginny.

Favorite minor character and what scene made you like them?
- Luna, but no scene, just her quirkiness and easy-going aura made me like her. She's actually my favorite character.

Favorite subject that Hogwarts teaches?
- Charms.

Favorite mode of transportation?
- Uh, none. I wouldn't like traveling in any way wizards do.

Favorite magical creature?
- Frank the Thunderbird! :D

Which magical creature would you like to have as a pet?
- Owl. But I would hate taking care of it.

Favorite revelation of the series?
- Neville's possibility of being The Chosen One. And just all of Neville's hidden facts we learned, like his parents in St. Mungo's.

What is your favorite theory?
- The one where Harry and Neville use Grimmauld Place as a home over the summers for abused kids. Update five days later: I found it!

Favorite moment from the series?- Uh, DA meetings, and whenever they went to Hogsmeade

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Favorite moment from the series?
- Uh, DA meetings, and whenever they went to Hogsmeade.

Who's your favorite villain?
- Uh, none really?

Which deathly hallow is your favorite?
- Invisibility cloak.

Which Horcrux is your favorite?
- 'Arry Pottah!

If you could bring back any character, who would you bring back and why?
- Dobby because he was so precious and he was the only death in the entire series that made me cry.

Favorite music from the movies?
- Hedwig's Theme.

What's your favorite candy from the Wizarding World?
- tbh I'd probably hate em all because they all have some weird magical thing going on that I'd hate.

Favorite food from the Wizarding World?
- Never had any.

Favorite beverage from the Wizarding World?
- Butterbeer.

Favorite scene from the movies?
- Uh, idk.

Something you wish the movies didn't change about the books?
- Oh, could someone please direct me to WHEN IN THE BOOKS THE FREAKING BURROW BURNS DOWN????????

Okay that's all!!!

I tag everyone who wants to do this.


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