Christmas Tag

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So, PaperSwans has tagged me to do this so here we go
(Btw sorry for the long in depth stuff I got carried away)

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
100% yes, but I don't remember it

Favorite Christmas song?
Either Shake Up Christmas or Christmas in Africa, or Straight No Chaser's Christmas Can-Can. (I can't make up my mind)

Do you use tissue paper or wrapping paper more often?
Wrapping paper. Tissue paper is like forbidden in our house unless it's for a birthday gift that we have no time to wrap.

Did/do you believe in Santa Claus?
This one is one that's had me questioning for the past two years. I have evidence of him being real, yet evidence of him being not real, so I pretend to 100% believe in him for the sake of my brother and sister. Plus presents. Yeah.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Well lemme think... "you know dasher and dancer and donner and blitzen. Comet and Cupid and prancer and vixen. But do you recaaaaaall the most famous reindeer of alllllll. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer"
(99% positive that's out of order but hey I can name em all)

Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
Depends on the size of the present and my willingness to wrap properly.

Be honest. Do you prefer getting or giving gifts?
Depends. I like giving hand-made gifts, but beyond that, shut up and give me those presents labeled "Katelynn"

Do you usually decorate for Christmas?
*knocks over Star Shower* pfft no *aggressively tries to get the reindeer helping santa from falling down the chimney to work again* of course not *takes wreaths down from every window* how did these get here *switches off the Christmas village's lights* ahaha no we don't get my mom one of these houses every year what're you talking bout *hanging up the final ornament on our Christmas tree, on a stepstool and climbing back up every couple minutes to adjust it so it's perfect* don't judge me our house literally changes come Christmas.

Christmas lights or ornaments?
*wrapping self in the icicle lights we hang on the gutters yearly* LIGHTS

Is your tree real or fake?
Duh it's real. What's Christmas with a FAKE tree? (Shhhhh gran and pop I don't care about the settings of your fake tree it's nOT THE SAME)

Cute or ugly Christmas sweaters?
The "ugly" Christmas sweaters that are actually pretty dang cute

Favorite Christmas movie?
Elf! "Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color!?!" (And not the stupid cartoon) and The Santa Claus (the original and second one) a close second and third.

Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Morning. Well, we do this thing on Christmas Eve where my dad hides a green pickle ornament amongst the tree and the one to find it gets to open the gift that my parents get (I happen to be the five or six year reigning champion, and my sister hates me for it)

Do you say "present" or "gift"?

Have you seen The Nutcracker?
I have but not for a long time. (Five years)

Favorite holiday tradition?
Every year, my dad's side of the family all go out a pick our Christmas trees. This used to be my second favorite, my favorite being a get-together with my mom's sisters, and my adorable little cousins and decorating cookies, but we don't do that too often anymore. I do believe we're doing it next weekend though (yay!)

Favorite holiday treat?
Ermmmmm my mom makes scones and my dad makes steak and my grandmother and aunts bring stuff over  and we eat a Christmas breakfast together. Scones are delicious. And oatmeal cookies. and choc chip cookies. (Yes we eat steak for breakfast on Christmas). Idk I don't have a favorite

What's your dream place to spend Christmas?
I never really thought of this. I think I'm satisfied with my Christmas just the way it is, but if I could change the scenery a bit...
Just kidding.
I'm fine the way my Christmas is, even if my grandparents could turn the heat down just a smidge so we don't all die from heat stroke.

What's your favorite place to spend christmas?
My "second" Christmas, which is really at my house and my grandmother and mom's sisters and my cousins come over. It's fun and I love my cousins to pieces and I love love love their faces when they open their presents

Do you prefer to peek at your gifts or be surprised?
Surprised. I generally give a vague list as well, and most people only use my lists as guidelines anyway.

Are you on the naughty or nice list?
The "she's trying hard but not really cause siblings" list

If you had one Christmas wish what would it be?
To wake up one day and realize failure is okay cause I struggle with that concept really bad. I swear I went into mini-depression I third grade cause I thought failure was the end and it went on for weeks.
That's not the point though so
Moving on

Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas"?
Merry Christmas my readers! Sorry for all these stories my life is an ongoing story and me wanting to tell people.

What makes the holidays special for you?
Well a few years ago I'd respond immediately with "presents! Duh!" now it's "family! Duh" cause the past couple years some traditions are slowing down and we're losing members of the family to different states so it's family. Merry Christmas.

Okay that's it.

So I think I need to tag peeps?

Yeah hahah i don't want to offend any non Christmas celebrators so if you celebrate Christmas And you're reading this and you haven't done it yet, congratulations you're tagged


-Bibliophile out

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