Book Tag

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Tagged by axgordon and yeah.

I feel super pumped right now cause o just bought Hamilton and I'm jamming to it so I have tolerance to do a super long tag now so.

Let's go!


Favorite genre of books?
- I like fantasy, general fiction, some historical fiction, and I like any genre that has good books.

Do you prefer standalone books or books in a series?
- I generally like series more but recently I've been reading iNcOmPlEtE SErIeS so, standalone now.

Favorite completed book series?
- Idk. Probably Harry Potter. And a series to me is 4+ books.
If series were 2+ books it'd be Six of Crows but duologues and trilogies are not series to moi so...

Favorite ongoing series?
- I dunno. *looks over at bookshelf* Well its technically not my definition of a series yet but I think he said it'll be 4 or 5 books so the Vega Jane series.

Favorite author of your favorite genres?
- I'm just gonna answer this as favorite author in general cause I like lots of genres.
Leigh Bardugo! She's so. talented. And caused so much pain. Which any good author does, and yeah.

Do you prefer juvenile books or young adult books?
- I dunno! Again I say; I READ WHAT APPEALS TO ME!

Least favorite genres?
- Horror. *shivers*

Do you read the books first or watch the movies?
- Read the books.

Libraries or bookstores?
- Libraries! Especially since {one of} the libraries near me is so flipping comfortable! It's insane how comfortable it is. There's like a dome out of windows at the back and then there's like a maze of bookshelves to get back to like the ya books and a ton of plushy armchairs and I'm ranting bout a library. I also once wrote something bout a pet shelter near us and it was hung in the library and !!! No more rants; next question.

Name a book that you read just because everyone else was reading it.
- I don't do this. For example, literally EvErY. GiRl. is reading that selection series and I'm half tempted to read it but then I remind myself "YOU'RE NOT A BANDWAGON KATELYNN" so yeah. Plus if I did read it my friend would never let me hear the end of me reading a book I was so against reading. I'm too stubborn.

break from tag: REWIND! REWIND! REWIIIIIND! [satisfied is on].


Name a book that you thought wasn't going to be any good but it was.
- Life As We Knew It. I had to do it for book club in school and normally school just doesn't have good book selections normally, plus it's in journal form and I don't like journal form much.

Last book that made you laugh?
- Crooked Kingdom cause I literally finished it yesterday and Shadow and Bone hasn't been funny yet. [god as soon as I finished ck I opened Pinterest and ranted bout it to swans].

Last book that made you cry?
- A math textbook. *fakes a smile*

Why do you like reading?
- Reading is just so magical and beautiful and amazing and plus I have a valid excuse to not speak to people around me.

Favorite quote about reading?
- I have two:

Favorite quote about reading?- I have two:

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