Heroes of Today...

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Well, it WILL be back (in june)

This story has been a long time coming, but it's been one of my babies. When I first started it waaay back in 2017, I was super proud of it! But as time went on, I grew angry at the book I thought I liked.

Heroes of Today just felt stale after some time. I'm pretty sure it never had more than three chapters, even when I was happy with what I was doing with it. Two years after I originally posted HoT, I took it down. I transferred the chapters to a blank story that I called "first draft of HoT" (something I started doing for all my stories I decide to rewrite/unpublish, actually, because no matter how bad I think they are, I like to look back on my stories, and I wish I hadn't deleted any of my stories. Looking back at all the ideas I had! And I think I would be able to pull them all off now, but I just WISH I could read them!!

*a moment to walk down memory lane as I name the stories I, later in life, think I should've simply unpublished and not DELETED*

- Enchanted Meadow. god. Enchanted Meadow was my baby. I ACTUALLY FINISHED THIS ONE AND I'M SO MAD I CAN'T REREAD IT, no matter HOW cringey it is! I remember being so excited to publish this book, and it was very ambitious at times! The idea may be childish, but I just... I miss it and I want to read it again just to read it again. It's also..um.. the only story I've finished.. ehem,, I ALSO STARTED WRITING A SEQUEL TO THIS. I think the sequel was the reason I decided to delete EM and rewrite it and then delete the rewrite.

I've written others, but Enchanted Meadow is actually the only one I miss. I could rant for ever and ever about EM but I won't.) (actually I might decide to post a later chapter about all the stories I didn't think were good enough to stay on Wattpad that I deLETED -- WHY'D I DO THAT)

I'm gonna be honest here y'all. Heroes of Today was--IS--so dear to me, but I just wasn't happy with it at all. It was an idea I wanted to be perfect, and it took me a couple of months to decide to unpublish it. 

After I finally did that, I let it sit. This was so important. I didn't immediately rewrite, I focused a little more on my other two stories before falling off of Wattpad. I still wrote, but it was random stuff that I deleted not long after I penned it. And it wasn't good stuff. I was never proud of it, not even in the moment :(

A few months ago, I remembered Heroes of Today. I returned to my notes and I decided I wanted to give it another shot. I hope I have the skills required to do it justice, because it really is just my favorite idea and I really want it to work.

I think letting the idea just sit for a little while before I came back to it was the smartest thing I could've done. And I stand by that. With Enchanted Meadow, I immediately started rewriting. I think I published the rewrite almost immediately after deleting the original. I think the reason it failed (in my mind) was because I was trying to do something I just didn't have the passion to do anymore. The original draft was just fine! I could've just gone through and edited it. God, I wish I had done that!!! It was bad, but it was my first full, completed story!! That is a big deal, and now it's gone forever. But if I had legitimate reason to unpublish it (which I don't think I did !!) I wish I had let it simmer before rewriting. 

I don't know. Maybe I'm just making all this up. I hope y'all like Heroes of Today when I publish it in June. I'm pretty happy with it. I hope you will be too :) 


P.S. If you ever decide you want to delete your story, and I canNOT stress this enough, DON'T!!! Unpublish it but DON'T DELETE IT!!! I promise you, if you delete it, you will wish you hadn't later, even if you never plan to rewrite it. Sometimes it's just nice to see how far you've come :D

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