Update of Sorts and Tag

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Hello people! So this is a chapter of me telling you what the heck is going on with me right now and also a tag. (I was tagged by axgordon btw for the tag that will happen soon)


This is a sort of mental health chapter, sort of not, because it's an update on my writings and what the freaking heck is going on there.

So, tomorrow is Friday (it's Thursday where I am now).

Tomorrow is the scheduled Captain Kirt update. And then, this coming Tuesday, is a scheduled Heroes of Today, or HoT, update.


Schedules change, and I'm sorry to say I am taking a short little break from writing for I don't know how long.

And let me tell you why.

Okay so I have been so stressed with trying to get CK done and HoT halfway decent and make Charles seem like a three dimensional narrator, and it's been stressing me out so much that I have decided I need a break.

I'm so so so so sorry but I just want to update the best chapters I can and I feel like I haven't been, and then I've only written like 200 words for CK and even less for HoT and I am just overwhelmed and if these craaaaaazy times have taught me AnyThInG, it's you need to take care of your mental health first.

So again, I'm sorry, CK and HoT are on hold for an unknowable amount of time.

"his queen" is finished but not done being published so that will still be regularly updated with one or two parts a day.


let's start this tag.

It's the "personal tag" but the questions axgordon used weren't too terribly personal so let's go

What's your name?
- *laughs* For anyone who doesn't know by now, it's Katelynn.

What's your zodiac sign?
- Gemini.

Three fears?
- Bugs (including spiders eeeeek), heights, and something. I dunno probably rollercoasters or some'in.

Three things you love?
- Music, my bedroom, and autumn.

Four turn-ons?
- Uh kindness, actually treating me like a human and not ignoring every single word I ever say ever, their laugh, and freckles. I'm sorry I'm a sucker for a kind boy who listens to me who has a good laugh and freckles.

Four turn-offs?
- Sexist/misogynist, ignoring everything I say even though pretty much everyone does it, thinking things I'm passionate about are stupid, and rudeness. (And my passions are like feminism, LGBT, mental health, all that good stuff).

What's your height?
- 5'2" and finished growing. *tear*

Favorite color?
- Lilac and mint green.

Favorite song?
- Probably Bohemian Rhapsody because it's beautiful.

Favorite quote?
- "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill
"Stars can't shine without darkness." -Don't Remember
"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book." -J.K. Rowling
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." -C.S. Lewis
(All those were off the top of my head that's how much I love them all.)

Favorite food?
- I do love watermelon and raspberries, and Bertucci rolls and Panera's bread.

Are you sarcastic?
- Yes.

Current background noise?
- Silence because it's almost 1 and I'm the only one awake yayyyy.

What's the first thing you notice about people?
- The way their little aura feels to me, like if I feel like they'll be a good person or a bad person. That makes me sound like some sort of hippie or something but okay.

Favorite clothing?
- My red sweaters.

Have you ever prank-called someone?
- My friend wanted to prank calling dad and tell him he won a million bucks or something so I gave her his number but I don't think it worked. So sort of.

Favorite movie?
- Beauty and the Beast. The live-action one.

Favorite band?
- Queen.

Current mood?
- Nothing and tired. I feel like nothing who is very very tired.

Favorite holiday?
- Christmas.

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
- One piercing in both my ears. That's it. No tattoos. I'm not 18 -plus I'm terrified of needles.

What's your real reason for joining Wattpad?
- I don't really remember any more.

What was the last book you read?
- Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton.

Do you send goodnight and/or good morning texts?
- No.

And that's all before I collapse from exhaustion. I tag anyone who want to do the tag.



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