Lots of Tags

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Okay I feel awful because I missed the CK update AND the HoT update (which is finally coming into a not ball-of-crap with an angsty lead character), so you get like 50 million tags instead!! Yay!! I honestly don't even know what I have and haven't done but I went and found tags I don't think I've done so yeah.

Also: this tag update is fueled by chRISTMAS MUSIC!! Yay!

Just a Tag

Favorite color?
- I don't know. Lilac, mint green, pastel blues and lighter blues, pretty much any purple, and a soft yellow.

Lucky number?
- I don't have one, but my softball number is 19.

What's your ideal date?
- I don't know. A movie? Book store? Just a quiet dinner at a not too expensive, not too nice, restaurant? I have no dating experience, so I have no idea.

Do you usually wear makeup?
- I don't like makeup. I mean I'll put on bare minimum for a nice event, like the dance I'm going to have to go to at the end of the year. I wear nail polish some, too.

How many people have you dated?
- Zip.

What's your favorite fruit?
- Watermelon and raspberries.

What are nine things about you?
- I live for Christmas time.
- I play violin.
- My bed is a loft.
- I like to do puzzles.
- I love music.
- I prefer library books to my own books.
- I can't write facts about myself.
- I haven't gotten anything lower than an A on my report card yet.
- I wear glasses.

How many pets do you have?
- I've had fish in the past, but I have one dog, Auggie. He's 14.

Last song you listened to?
- A Christmas song (no duh, I already said this chapter is fueled by Christmas songs), called Raise the Tree by Trent Dabbs, is on right now. It's a really good song. Give it a listen if you celebrate Christmas.

Dumbest thing you've ever done?
- Saw a sign that said "motorcycle parking". Tested the words "motorcycle" out aloud and frowned, confused, before I asked my mom, "what's a motorcycle?" My mom loves that story. It's definitely the dumbest thing I've done, too.

What are seven things you question about yourself?
- Who am I?
- How am I so good at softball if I didn't ever really train or practice hard or anything?
- How come I seem like such a hypocrite so often?
- How do I get good grades if I hardly ever study?
- Do I really like him?
- Am I annoying to other people?
- Do my friends hate when I rant about something I did?

If I Were. . . Tag

If I were a month, I would be. . .
- Probably December. I don't know. I like the lights and it's not too cold and I love Christmas.

If I were a day, I would be. . .
- Monday. Always tired. Already done with what hasn't happened yet.

If I were a planet, I would be. . .
- I think Uranus because so much of Uranus is unknown, like why does it rotate sideways? Like, really why. Not just theories. Even though scientists think they have it figured out. I just think not many people know the real me. Also it's different than the others for this reason. Plus I like to think of myself as pretty, and Uranus is just pretty.

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