Tag Thing

21 7 20

Oookay I was tagged by KatesKatering so here we goes.

Favorite color?
- Mint green or lilac.

Favorite holiday?
- Christmas.

Favorite season?
- Autumn.

Do you have a song stuck in your head?
- No, but Imagine by John Lennon is on right now.

What is your phone background?
- Lock screen:

What is your phone background?- Lock screen:

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Home screen:

Last person you talked to?- My family

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Last person you talked to?
- My family.

Where would you like to travel?
- Idk. Maine. The Caribbean. London. I have no idea.

What color are your eyes?
- Hazel. Aka brown/green.

Cats or dogs?
- Dogs. And btw we're getting a puppy next weekend!!!! He's adorable ;p.

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He doesn't have a name yet

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He doesn't have a name yet. Well, he *does* but his name right now is Buffy and we are going to change it.

Name something you hate?
- Idk. A few things. Nah. A lot of things.

Okay that's all!! I tag.. um anyone??


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