Book Tag Part 2

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Okay so this is a pretty lengthy tag, but I'm starting a half hour long car hornet so I'm ready for it.

Oh and I was tagged by axgordon. Welcome back, btw!

Name the first three books that come to mind.
- Uh, Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo, The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket (I'm holding both of them) and... uh... The Zodiac Legacy by Stan Lee and two other guys (my brother has it on his lap).

Heroes/heroines or villains?
- Heroes and heroines. Because I have much less of a want (excuse me need) to punch them than villains.

Characters or plot?
- BOTH! Because without the plot, the characters wouldn't be evolving into why I love them, and without the characters, a book isn't a book.

Used books: yay or nay?
- Uh, I suppose it depends on the condition of the used book.

Audiobooks: yay or nay?
- Nay. I can't stand audiobooks because I don't like the sound of the audiobooks because it's annoying and plus, I can't exactly carry an audiobook everywhere because you need a CD player.

Do you ever judge a book by its cover?
- Of course. It's what catches you and draws you in. I saw a quote somewhere that said something along the lines of: "A cover is what gets you started, the plot and characters is what keeps you going." Or maybe that's a figment of my imagination. I have no idea.

What's the weirdest thing you've used as a bookmark?
- Another book. Or the paper cover thingy over hardback books when I'm reading a hardback book. I generally use real bookmarks, so... (and is it weird that I only use magnetic bookmarks?).

Movie or TV show adaptions?
- Oh uh, I don't know. It depends on how well it's done.

Name a movie or TV show adaptation that was better than the book.
- Uh, none that I know of. My mom would say the Divergent series but I haven't read OR seen those yet so idk.

Long or short books?
- Doesn't matter. I like both.

Long or short chapters?
- Middleish. I can't stand long chapters, but like two page long chapters annoy me so.

Short stories: yay or nay?
- Uh, meh. As long as it's written well I don't care it's length.

Last book(s) you've bought?
- Well my parents bought me Siege and Storm for Easter, but the last book that I personally bought for myself is Shadow and Bone.

Which movie/TV show adaptation do you most want to see?
- The Grisha Trilogy adaptation.

Would you rather have a book that makes you laugh or makes you cry?
- Cry! Because I don't really cry so. . . Bonus: the first book I REALLY cried at was Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo! We have a new queen, step aside, Jo.

Do you watch any BookTubers?
- No, but I keep meaning to, because Swans and axgordon (what nickname should we call you???) both watch one that they like and apparently she got Swans to read SoC and then Swans got ME to read it so I think I owe that BookTuber something.

Describe your perfect reading spot.
- A swing on a porch with rain steadily beating outside (aka the swing on my family's summer house's porch plus rain haha...).

Confess a book/reading confession, and if you're feeling brave, confess more than one.
- Uh, sometimes I put books in time out, and if I'm really mad, I fling it across the room. And then I immediately retrieve it and coo over it and tell it I'm sorry but I'm not sorry, and then I put it (and myself!!) in time out.

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