chapter two

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minho had finished up his breakfast and had somehow managed to avoid chan's usual monday morning lecture

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minho had finished up his breakfast and had somehow managed to avoid chan's usual monday morning lecture.

he did a last quick check of his belongings before getting into his red hyundai i30 for the journey to school.

it thankfully didn't take him too long and he soon reached his usual space in the school's car park.

minho grabbed his backpack from the passenger seat and began to make his way to meet one particular person.

"hey, bin!"

changbin was sat on one of the benches dotted along the pathway to the school's entrance.

the younger looked more than comfortable, he was wearing a plain black t-shirt with dark blue jeans along with his usual pair of black converse.

"oh hey, minho!" changbin raked a hand through his long black hair before standing up to give minho a pat on the shoulder.

he noticed minhos usual tense expression and gave him a half smile. "you doing okay, min?"

minho nodded before turning his gaze towards the car park, they were both anticipating won-jae's black hyundai ioniq.

"i just need to stop worrying about what could have happened over the weekend." minho replied with a sigh.

changbin only nodded, of course he never minded waiting with minho for jisung to arrive.

after all, jisung was his boyfriend's best friend. changbin knew how much felix was constantly worrying about jisung, almost as much as minho did.

changbin had therefore agreed to meet minho outside of the school every morning so they could both see how jisung would be that day.

on a monday morning, minho's first lesson was literature with jisung. sometimes the lesson went well and jisung was just like how minho remembered him to be, bubbly and very smiley.

other times, it would hurt minho when sometimes jisung was silently crying next to him due to an incident with his boyfriend.

jisung never wanted to draw attention to himself when something bad would happen. the last thing that he wanted was for people to worry about him.

especially his friends.

minho was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts as he felt changbin nudge his shoulder signalling won-jae and jisung had just pulled in.

the car powered down and won-jae climbed out with a smirk, he made his way around the front of the car to open his boyfriends door.

"what a gentleman." minho scoffed. he watched as jisung's door was opened and the younger began to step out.

the pair sighed in relief as they noticed how bright the blonde boy looked that morning. jisung had a huge smile on his face as he was looking up at his boyfriend with near stars in his eyes.

jisung was wearing a plain baby blue t-shirt with a pair of light grey joggers underneath.

minho found it cute that jisung always wore a blue shirt of a monday. jisung's second lesson was art and, according to jisung, a blue shirt helped him feel more creative.

minho didn't get how that could be possible but as he found the idea cute, it was unnecessary for him to try and understand jisung's brain.

won-jae was significantly taller than jisung with a muscular build and leant down to snake a hand around his boyfriend's tiny waist.

he lifted up jisungs chin and softly began to kiss him against his car.

changbin stood at minho's side and crossed his arms over his chest. "you know, if he wasn't beating jisung up almost every fucking week, you'd think they look cute together."

minho turned back to face him and shrugged. "he looks happy anyway, that's the main thing."

changbin nodded in reply and the pair began to walk into school to head towards the canteen.

they always came in about fifteen minutes before first period and would always meet up with hyunjin, felix, seungmin, and jeongin at the start of each morning.


"binnie! minho!"

felix was already sat down next to seungmin and watched as the two neared the table.

changbin sat down next to his boyfriend, placing a light kiss on the side of his head while minho sat down next to jeongin.

hyunjin had been resting his head on jeongin's shoulder and leant forward to look at minho.

"how was he?"

minho lifted his head up to see his friends staring at him, they were sometimes scared to ask when minho and changbin would walk in.

"honestly, he looked quite happy." minho gave hyunjin a light smile. "we can't tell what's happened, but it's looking hopeful."

seungmin's shoulders relaxed. "that's good then... i do miss hanging out with him of a weekend though."

changbin looked at him as he shook his head softly. "aw come on seungmin! he'll be with us for wednesday lunch, it's all good."

won-jae and jisung weren't in any lessons together, they only time they saw each other was before school, after school and of a lunch time.

but of a wednesday, their timetables didn't match up which meant that jisung would spend the wednesday lunch hour with his friends.

the highlight of the group's week was getting to see their bestfriend who they had all missed so much.

"min..." jeongin softly said as he nudged minho. "you're spacing out again."

minho looked up to see everyone was in conversation while he'd been staring off into space.

he patted jeongins arm and managed a smile. "i'm alright innie, i'm just tired."

jeongin raised his eyebrows with a unconvinced look as minho playfully rolled his eyes.

"alright alright, i'm just worried about him." he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

jeongin nudged him slightly. "you worry too much, min. you'll be seeing him in like five seconds, he'll be okay."

minho gave him a smile in response as the pair turned their attention back to the conversation.

a few minutes later the bell rang, signalling for everyone to make their way to first lesson.

hyunjin walked with minho as their lessons were along the same corridor. once minho reached his classroom, hyunjin stopped with him.

"he'll be okay minho, just try not to interrogate jisung alright?" he laughed as minho sent him a playful scowl.

"i'll be nice about it, i promise." he assured, hyunjin waved him off and made his way further along the corridor to reach his own classroom.

minho as usual was first in the room, he sat in his normal seat and ran a hand through his hair after getting out his notebook.

now, he was waiting for his favourite seat buddy to arrive.


in the next chapter we will be introduced to jisung !

again picture is just for reference, you only need to take into account the layout of the tables as the layout of the actual canteen room is described to be different than the picture. 🙃

Q: favourite skz song ?
A: all time miroh but i go through phases of a song i'll listen to on repeat :))

i hope you're enjoying the story so far, it's soon to get exciting i promise 🥰

-kayceeliz <3

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