chapter fifty nine

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as afternoon set on boxing day, jisung had been saying goodbye to minho on the porch.

as they softly kissed goodbye, it was very clear neither of them wanted to let go.

their lips continued to move around each other before the buzzing of minho's phone had become too frequent to ignore.

he saw it was chan wondering where he was so he begrudgingly said goodbye to jisung, lovingly pecking his lips one last time before getting into his car and driving away.

after jisung had waved him off, he walked back into his house and closed the door with a sigh.

"aren't you seeing minho again tomorrow?"

jisung jumped at the voice before gawking at his dad by the kitchen window.

"d-dad!" he yelled as he felt his face grew hot. "were you spying on us!?"

dohyun chuckled as he shook his head, "of course not, jisungie. i was wondering why you were taking so long but looked away when i understood."

jisung hid his face in his hands as he groaned, repeating the word 'stop' and incoherent mumbles as his father only continued to laugh.

"i'll stop." he grinned as he walked over and kissed his son's cheek. "does minho know you'll be driving him tomorrow?"

jisung slowly lifted his hands from his face as his blush was slowly calming now the topic had slightly changed.

"no," jisung smiled. "i can't wait to surprise him tomorrow though!" he beamed as he swung on his heels.

"well i'm sure tomorrow can't come quick enough for you." dohyun teased as he brushed jisung's hair back and squeezed his shoulder.

jisung playfully rolled his eyes before trudging up to his room.

however he couldn't deny that his father was right.

tomorrow just couldn't come quick enough.

it was now the 27th december and minho was currently getting ready for his date with jisung.

he walked down the stairs wearing a red and black festive outfit as he was waiting for jisung to message him saying he was ready to be picked up.

of course, after minho heared a knock on the door, he was surprised to see jisung on the porch with a dark blue mazda parked behind him on minhos driveway.

"mr lee," jisung dramatically bowed as he gestured to the car. "i will be your designated driver for the day so would you be so kind to get into my car."

his act immediately dropped as he looked up to see minho's shocked face.

"you can drive!?" minho asked as he stared at the car.

"i can indeed!" jisung smiled. "i managed to pass both tests the week my family was here. i've been learning for a while but with everything i hadn't had time to take either test...i didn't tell anyone as i wanted it to be a surprise."

minho nodded as he pulled jisung into a hug and briefly connected their lips, "consider me surprised."

jisung intertwined their fingers as he pulled minho over and opened the door for him, receiving a small scoff as minho climbed into the passenger side.

the drive into town was filled with karaoke and the occasional gasp at all the decorations leading up to the market stalls. they soon pulled into the car park as they got out and looked over the sights in awe.

"you ready to go?" jisung smiled as he held out his hand.

minho nodded as he interlocked their fingers, "absolutely."

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