chapter twelve

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it was coming up to the early afternoon and everyone except jisung was sat in chan and minho's kitchen.

chan had proposed that they come round to discuss who would be bringing what, mainly so they didn't end up with too much or too little of one thing.

they would only be staying for about an hour and, once the roles were decided, would be coming back to the house at 7pm to start off the night.

"chan, i don't want to start without jisung." felix sighed as he brought his knees to his chest while sitting on the counter.

chan briefly placed a hand on his back as he walked round checking the cupboards. "we won't lix don't worry."

hyunjin turned to give felix a reassuring look.
"he's probably just on his way back from the airport, the traffic's usually awful at this time, lix."

changbin had been stood with his arms crossed as he turned back from looking out the window, "has anyone actually heard from him yet?"

everyone shook their heads before changbin walked round the island to place his chin on felix's shoulder.

he noticed minho was fiddling with the stickers on the back of his phone case, keeping his head down.

"don't forget, lix," jeongin said with a smile. "he said he'd be here and, like hyunjin said, it is an awkward time to come home with traffic"

felix leant his back into changbin's chest as he nodded at the youngest.

"see!" chan smiled. "besides, let's try and focus on how fun tonight will be."

thankfully, they soon heard a knock on the door and watched as chan walked out the kitchen to answer it.

"jisung!" he exclaimed. everyone could tell chan was speaking through a smile. the oldest welcomed jisung in and brought him to the kitchen.

jisung tried to maintain a genuine smile but everyone could clearly see he was upset.

he was wearing light blue jeans with a white shirt under a navy blue sweater vest. he had on his chunky converse as he took off his black and white fuzzy jacket.

changbin gave minho a teasing smirk as he'd noticed his attention had now been grabbed.

"sorry i'm late, jae's flight was delayed and i didn't want to leave until the plane took off." jisung let chan take his jacket as he explained.

hyunjin shook his head as he wrapped an arm around jisungs shoulders. "that's alright, ji." he beamed as jisung turned his head to give him a small smile in return.

minho's stomach dropped as he saw countless dark hickeys on jisungs neck.

"we're glad you're here, ji!" jeongin smiled but noticed jisung anxiously looking at the counter tops.

"we weren't meant to bring the stuff now right?" he said quickly. hyunjin ruffled his hair as he chucked. "no that's what we are discussing now."

hyunjin softly directed jisung to felix as he'd turned around to face him. felix was about to burst if he didn't get a hug.

felix wrapped his arms around jisung briefly before turning round to now rest his back on jisung's chest. changbin had moved from his boyfriend and gave the pair a wink before walking away to stand by minho.

jisung smiled as he rested his chin on felix's shoulder, letting felix slowly run his fingers through his hair.

after the sleepover roles had been decided, everyone had fanned out of the house leaving just minho, chan, and jisung in the kitchen.

chan had excused himself to sort through some stuff in his bedroom as minho fixed jisung a strawberry smoothie.

"so, how you feeling?" minho asked as he watched jisung slowly sip his drink. he shrugged and looked up at minho.

"i mean it's not the best feeling in the world." he tried to chuckle but minho could hear the hint of sadness in his voice.

minho only nodded and moved his eyes to the floor, he hated seeing jisung like this. all he wanted to do was make jisung feel happy knowing that his friends were there for him.

"you know, felix has been going on about this mini golf place changbin took him to. bin says he went with you a while back?" minho said as he sat himself down on a stool.

jisung looked up and nodded with a slight smile. "yeah, we went on a drive into the city after a science study session and the place had just opened. we loved it and changbin said he'd have to take lix some time."

he leant his chin onto his fist as he brought his elbow to his knee, "how come you're bringing it up min? is felix thinking about the 8 of us going?"

minho nodded but he saw jisung tilt his head. "i don't think that's a good idea minho." he sighed as he gritted his teeth.

"what why not?" minho said as he looked over jisung with worry. the older felt his heart race as jisung slipped off the counter and inched closer to him from across the island, their faces now just inches apart.

"i'd kick your ass...that's why." jisung smirked before innocently walking over to the sink to place down his empty glass.

minho was left dumbfounded. "excuse me!?" he smiled as he faked an offended expression.

chan came back into the room and clapped his hands together.

"alright ji, are you ready for us to drive you back and pick up your stuff?" jisung walked over to him and whispered something.

minho watched as chan's face grew into a smirk.

"yeahhh, sorry min but i'm with ji on this." he laughed "i mean mini golf is a great idea but are you sure you want to humiliate yourself?"

jisung grinned as he looked back at minho, now sat with his jaw dropped.

"i can't believe this." he playfully sighed as he shook his head before walking forward and handing jisung his jacket.

the two oldest walked him out to the porch after grabbing their own jackets.

the car ride was full of teasing as the three continued to insult each other's mini golf ability.

they soon arrived at jisung's house as they decided to leave the argument on a polite 'agree to disagree' level. the car was silent as chan and minho looked over the front of the house in awe, it was a place they hadn't visited in months.

they soon stepped out and walked forward to the front door.

time to introduce jisungs parents :)

hope you enjoyed !!

-kayceeliz <3

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