chapter twenty four

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jisung's legs were bouncing relentlessly as they finally pulled up outside the airport.

after taking one last check over his hair in the mirror, he turned to his mother with a smile.

"thanks again for dropping me off, mum. i'll text you once we get back to jae's house."

jia gently tilted her head as he looked over his face, "sure you don't want me to drive you both back?"

jisung's parents had never met won-jae as they never pressured their son to bring him home, knowing how highly jisung spoke off him and so trusted that jisung had chosen the right guy.

of course they were completely oblivious to the real reasons jisung would come home exhausted or even slightly injured.

jisung had always kept his boyfriend's drunken behaviour a secret.

his friends of course knew jisung wasn't being untruthful to his parents by hiding everything. jisung hardly accepted it as what it was, so why would he tell his parents about it?

"no that's okay," jisung smiled as he shook his head. "we'll get a taxi home."

jia only nodded as she pulled him into a hug and placed a light kiss on the side of his head.

she gave his face one last gentle squeeze before watching him get out of the car and enter the airport.

jisung walked in and sat on a row of chairs close to where his boyfriend would soon be arriving.

he pulled out his phone, grinning as he saw it was now past 2pm.

the blonde lifted his head as he heard the sound of multiple suitcases dragging along the floor become increasingly louder with every second.

his eyes finally locked on his tall boyfriend as he quickly jumped out his seat and ran towards him.

"baby!" won-jae beamed as he effortlessly caught jisung in his arms and held him close, smiling at jisung's tight hold around his neck.

"i missed you." jisung mumbled as he slowly pulled away, his eyes softened as he noticed something in won-jae's hands. "you bought me flowers!?"

won-jae handed over the bouquet of daisies as he nodded with a smile, "of course i did, baby."

he placed a finger under jisung's chin, tilting it upwards to connect their lips.

jisung felt shivers rush through his body at the feeling he had missed so much.

won-jae pulled away and brushed the hair from jisung's forehead back. he gestured his head to the side as the two wandered over to baggage claim.

"can we go home after this?" jisung asked as the pair were waiting at the conveyor belt.

won-jae let out a small chuckle as he nodded "course we can, babe. do you have everything you need to stay over?"

"i have my phone and charger on me, otherwise i have plenty of stuff at yours." jisung replied as he held onto one of won-jae's hands in both of his own, looking up at him fondly.

won-jae tucked some hair behind his ear, letting his fingers tilt up the earrings jisung was wearing.

"cute." he mumbled with a smirk before placing a soft peck on jisung's lips.


the pair were soon back at won-jae's as they clambered out the taxi and hauled the suitcases up the porch.

"oh my god i have missed being home." won-jae exclaimed, sending his bags to the floor as he dropped his back onto the couch.

jisung giggled at him as he turned back to shut the front door. "i've missed being here." he lightly sighed as he walked over and climbed onto his boyfriend's chest.

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