chapter thirty two

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it had definitely been a struggle for the group to wake up that morning.

minho's headache had been made worse as chan had repeatedly hammered on his bedroom door to make sure minho was awake on time.

thankfully, he was now slightly more awake as he walked up the usual path to meet changbin, surprised to see felix sitting with him.

the blonde's head was resting on changbin's shoulder. his eyes closed while changbin was gently playing with his hair.

"oh hey, min." changbin said before smiling at his boyfriend who let out a soft yawn to wake himself up. "how'd you sleep?"

"honestly, not too bad." minho answered as changbin gave him an unconvinced look.

"min, your hands are shaking?"

minho smiled, holding up a flask as he shrugged. "coffee."

felix gently nudged changbin as he watched won-jae's car pull in. "i heard there's another party tonight and i really hope jisung doesn't go. if he feels like this after every party, i don't understand how he hasn't collapsed yet." felix frowned.

minho rolled his eyes as the pair stepped out the car. "that poor boy is gonna be exhausted by the end of the week."

the three watched as jisung caught their eyes and lifted up a finger to signal he was going to walk over.

as the couple met to kiss each other's cheek, minho saw that won-jae had noticed his stare.

won-jae kept his eyes on minho before harshly tugging back jisung's hair and passionately connecting their lips, quickly deepening the kiss as jisung rested his hands on his chest.

he pulled away with a smirk and flicked jisung's chin up playfully as he took a step back.

won-jae took one last look at minho before winking at jisung and walking away into the building.

minho couldnt help but feel like won-jae was now dangling jisung in front of him. he quickly tried to clear his mind as jisung made his way over to the three.

"hey, ji." changbin smiled as felix had welcomed the boy with open arms. "you sleep okay?"

jisung sighed as he sat on felixs knee and cuddled into his side, "sort of, i fell asleep in the car driving home because we left kun-woo's at 4am. jae carried me in and woke me up around 7...i've probably had about 3 hours." he shrugged.

minho offered over his flask, "you want some coffee?" jisung stood up from felix and placed his hand on minhos arm as he took it. "yes please min, i didn't have time to make any this morning."

felix pulled changbin to his feet as they intertwined their fingers. "shall we head inside? i hope you're awake enough for geography, jisung." he pointed as the blonde nodded in reply.

"i know we'll keep each other up." he smiled as felix squeezed his shoulder, as the four turned to walk into the building minho nudged jisung's shoulder lightly.

"you'll be fine, you just sipped a good few shots of espresso right there." jisung smiled at him as he handed him back his flask.

the four evenly separated as they headed off to their different classes, trying their best to stay awake for the remainder of the day.

at lunch, the group were surprised to see jisung walking over to them alone.

jisung stood behind chan as he tapped his back, "hey," he pointed to a chair as chan had turned round, "you mind if i sit?"

everyone shook their heads as jisung sat between felix and chan, "jae's just grabbing something from his locker so i said i'd meet him in here."

felix rested his head on jisung's shoulder while still fiddling with the rings on changbin's fingers.

"so chan, how does it feel to sit next to the guy who beat you at beer pong?" seungmin teased.

chan playfully scoffed as jisung laughed and waved his hands in front of him.

"ji?" jisung turned to jeongin as he nodded for him to speak. "you aren't going out tonight are you?"

"tonight? absolutely not." jisung chuckled. "jae saw how exhausted i was last night so he's not mak- ahem, he's not asking me to go with him."

hyunjin and minho's faces lit up as they walked from the lunch cue to see jisung at their table.

"jisung!" hyunjin beamed, "the party was so fun last night."

"i'm really glad you came," jisung looked over their faces, "kun-woo's parties when you don't have school the next day are the best."

felix leant his back onto changbin's chest as the table began a conversation about whatever sparked their interest.

jisung smiled as he suddenly felt an arm slide down his shoulder, "hi, jae." he smiled as he turned round and gave his boyfriend a quick peck. "we were just talking about kay's last night."

won-jae nodded, jisung leant his back on his boyfriend's chest as won-jae looked round the table, taking extra care to glance at minho.

"any of you coming the party tonight? he's not but it's at soomi's so you don't need an invite to come." he asked as he had gestured down to his boyfriend.

changbin cleared his throat and shook his head, "no, we were all too tired after last night so we won't be coming."

won-jae nodded and looked to chan. "maybe you and jisung can have a rematch some other time."

chan gave him a polite smile before going back to eating his lunch.

"well erm, i'll see you guys tomorrow." jisung waved as he took his boyfriend's hand and stood up, waving goodbye at the table before the pair made their way out of the canteen.

"did anyone notice jisungs face? it looked like he really didn't want won-jae to go to that party." hyunjin said with a frown as he looked round the table.

"no, i thought so too." minho scowled. "soomi always stocks up on hard drinks so he'll be probably be getting beaten up again."

"now minho," chan said sternly. "don't be like that, he'll be staying at his parents tonight so he'll be out of harms way."

the bell soon rang as the group hauled themselves to their next lessons.

thankfully they all managed to get through the day and were soon exiting the building to head home.

minho watched as jisung leant over in won-jae's car to peck his boyfriends cheek before they drove out of the car park.

minho felt relief at the idea of jisung being safe and away from his boyfriends drunk and aggressive behaviour.

however, nobody could have guessed that jisung wasn't planning on staying the night at his parents.

instead, he had planned to stay at won-jae's to make sure his boyfriend arrived home safely.

it was unfortunately not about to play out the way jisung was expecting. the next morning, minho and changbin were going to be in for a shock.

oop , next chapter is quite a lot but i will be putting a warning before hand 🙃 (sorry in advance)

hope you enjoyed !

kayceeliz <3

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