jisung woke up late on thursday morning to an empty bed.
he stretched his arms above his head before he let out a soft yawn.
slowly sitting up, he ruffled his hair and began to think about how grateful he was for minho staying with him for the night.
his focus turned to the clock on his wall as he saw that it was nearing 1pm.
"huh," jisung softly mumbled aloud, his parents must have let him sleep in.
he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands as he gently sat himself up against the headboard and looked over to his nightstand.
jisung reached forward to pick up his phone, letting his eyes softly trail over a framed picture of him and won-jae as he couldn't help but smile to himself.
as he tapped the screen for it to come on, jisungs eyes widened at a certain few text notifications.
jae <33
good morning princess,
i'm coming home early
and i'll be at the airport
for 2pm xx ~10:32jae<33
can't wait to see you
baby boy, i've missed you
so so much ~ 10:32jae<33
won't be too long now,
i love you x ~12:07jisung couldn't believe it, he had the biggest smile on his face as he sprung up from his bed and dashed into the bathroom to get himself ready.
his boyfriend was coming home, almost 4 days earlier than he expected and jisung couldn't contain his excitement.
he finished in the bathroom and quickly re-entered his bedroom, looking through his wardrobe as he thought of what to wear.
jisung pulled out a pair of baby pink joggers as well as a tight fitted white t-shirt that fit his body perfectly.
"earrings, earrings where the fuck did i put them!?" he mumbled to himself.
he soon spotted them resting on his desk next to a few silver bracelets he'd haphazardly placed a few days ago.
after pulling on his favourite hoodie from his boyfriend, and taking one last check over his hair, jisung bounded down the stairs to head towards the kitchen.
"morning dad!" he yelled, running past dohyun on the couch as he worked on his laptop.
"afternoon, son." dohyun replied with a smile as he shook his head.
"darling!" jia beamed as she turned round from the sink after hearing jisung's footsteps nearing the room.
jisung smiled in response as he sat down at the kitchen island after placing a light kiss on his mothers cheek.
'"i made a yoghurt fruit bowl for you, it was in the fridge as we decided to leave you to sleep for a bit longer than usual."
"thank you!" he sang as he waited for his mother to place it in front of him before he immediately tucked into it.
"you seem very excitable this morning." jia commented as jisung happily nodded.
"jae's coming home today, mum!"
jia finished cleaning a final plate before turning around and resting her back against the sink.
"today? i thought he was away for the week?"
"i did too!" jisung swallowed a mouthful and shrugged, "but he texted me he was coming home early!"
he had a light smile as he joked, "he must have missed me too much."
jia couldn't help but grin as she watched the slight blush creep onto her sons cheeks. she didn't know much about won-jae, but she was content with seeing jisung so happy.
"will one of your friends be taking you to the airport?"
jisung finished up his breakfast as he placed the bowl into his mother's outstretched hand.
he shook his head as he walked round to jump on top of the middle island now facing her back. "no, i haven't checked my other texts yet, i was too excited after seeing his." jisung admitted as he laughed through slight embarrassment.
jia finished drying her hands on her apron before she turned round.
she slowly walked over to him and placed one hand on jisung's cheek, lifting another to smooth the hair back from his forehead. "okay hon, are you wanting a lift to the airport from me?"
jisung leant into his mothers touch as he nodded, "if you wouldn't mind. yes please, mum."
his mother squished his cheeks lightly as she chuckled. "of course i wouldn't mind darling! what time would you like to leave?"
jisung smiled and checked the clock on the oven that now read '13:24'.
he turned back to his mother and gently rubbed his nape. "...5 minutes?" he asked shyly as he looked over her face.
jia kissed his forehead before stepping back to take off her apron, "5 minutes." she echoed as jisung slid off the counter and ran to get his coat and shoes.
his mother only shook her head while letting out a small chuckle.
she smiled softly as she felt her husbands strong arms snake around her waist.
"what's jisungie so happy about?" dohyun asked as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
jia brushed her fingers along his arm as she smiled to herself, "his boyfriend is coming back from visiting his parents, i'm taking him to meet won-jae at the airport."
dohyun nodded before straightening himself up, "...are you bringing him back home?"
jia felt her smile slightly falter, "i doubt it darling, he'll probably be staying the night with him, especially because he hasn't seen him in so long."
dohyun lightly sighed as he walked over to the counter and flicked on the coffee machine, "at least we got to see him so happy today."
"now darling, don't say that!" jia slightly scowled, "you saw how thrilled he was with his friends last night, you know how much he doesn't like to be without them all."
she slowly walked forward as she placed a hand on his shoulder" "especially won-jae, he's clearly made up he gets to see him again after so long."
dohyun only nodded as he heard a distant padding of his sons feet around the door.
"have a safe trip, my darling." he sighed as he leant forward to softly kiss his wife.
jia pulled away smiling and gave his face a light squeeze before grabbing her car keys and heading towards the kitchen door to leave.
"i'll let you know when he's gone into the airport and i'm on my way back, i love you!" she called as she waved to him before walking away towards the front door.
"i love you too." he replied, listening out as he heard the door shut behind them.
dohyun turned to look out the kitchen window as he saw the pair on the driveway.
he felt his own face grow into a smile as he saw the happiness radiating off his son as he got into the car.
after watching the car pull away, he knew just how happy jisung was going to be for the last few days of his week off school.
unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for jisung's friends.
so won-jae is back now 🫢 let's get this rollercoaster back on:track (heheh)i think chapters 20-30 have some of my favourite moments of this whole book so i'm very excited to put these out !
hope you enjoyed !!
kayceeliz <3

blind to toxicity - minsung
Fanfictionjisung had gotten into a relationship like any other but just 2 months later, his relationship had taken a turn for the worst jisung however was blind to how much it was truly impacting him as he was undeniably in love with his boyfriend, won-jae j...