Chapter 1:What The Hell?!

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I was pulling an all nighter, until I yawned. "Aw man, I can't take this anymore..." I mumble. And drift off to sleep.

I woke up as if it was any other day until I realized "Why am I sleeping on the couch?" I said out loud. 

"Y/n, breakfast is ready!" My mom shouted. 

"Alright give me a moment?" I said and walked out of the living room, into the bathroom.

I grabbed a hair brush and looked at it. 'Mom never had this hair brush....' I thought to myself. I looked in the mirror and screamed. I had aged and looked about, in my 20s?

"Y/n! What happened?!" My mom ran into the bathroom, she looked like she aged too.

"I fell?" I said, still standing there.

"Uh ok, get dressed and come eat, " She said, and left.

I took a while to examine my facial features, "Dang, I look pretty hot..." I mumbled. My hair had grown longer, and it looked like I've hada glow up.

"I didn't need to be insecure about me after all...." I mumble again. I head to my room and notice it's not a bedroom anymore, it's a weight room? Jeez, my parents must've really had plans for whenever I move out. 

"Mom! Where are my clothes?" I shout.

"In your suitcase!"

"And where is that?"

"In your old room, where else?"

I look around and notice a (f/c) suitcase on the ground. I open it and see the exact pairs of outfits in the suitcase.

 I open it and see the exact pairs of outfits in the suitcase

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Just imagine this shirt without the words on it. With a pair of black leggings.

I try on the outfit. I look pretty good. I grabbed a hair brush from the suitcase and start brushing my hair.

"Y/n!" I hear my dad shout.

"Coming!" I yell and run to the kitchen.

My whole family was at the table, my siblings, mom, and dad. They all looked like they have grown too.

'Don't scream. Don't scream.' I think to myself, and sit at the table.

"About time!" My brother complains.

"Good morning B/n...." I say. "Um uh what year is it?" 

My brother looked at me as if I was crazy. He told me the year.

Are you kidding me...... I'm 22... How the hell did time fly so fast.....

"So y/n, you'll be leaving today?" My sister asked me.


"To Japan?" She asked again.


"Finally, right after you finished 3 or 4 years of college," She complained. "Mom, why was staying a week during the first 7 days of summer a good idea again?"

"Because it would be good for the family so finally hang out for a week before all of you guys move away." My dad answered, chewing his food.

"Where are you guys moving?" I asked my siblings.

"California." Said my sister

"Somewhere around Texas." Answered my brother.

"Wow" I said.

"And what town are you going to? Somewhere called Yokoheme?" Asked my mom.

"Yokoheme?!" I said confused. Then the city from my favorite anime popped up in my head. "You mean Yokohama?"

"Ya that place!" My mom said.

"What time does the plane take off?" I ask.

"Didn't you write it on the calendar." My dad asked.

"I looked behind me and see the date of today." June 7, Y/n's flight 10:30. I look at the clock and it's 9:00.

"OK I GOTTA GO SEE YA!" I shout and give my whole family a hug. 

"Bye we love you!" My mom yells.

Then I sprint to my old room and grab my suitcase, my phone, and a purse in the suitcase. Then I take a bus to the airport.

"Wow, what the hell happened?..." I mumbled on the bus, trying to figure out what had happened. 

Last night, I was living in my house, living the life. Until I wake up, realize my whole family has grown. INCLUDING me. And now, I'm moving to Japan. What. The. Hell. Happened. AND I JUST FINISHED COLLEGE?! JEEZ I THOUGHT I WAS TOO BIG OF A DUMB ASS TO GO TO COLLEGE.

 We stop at the airport, I sighed. Grabbed my suitcase and made my way inside. I checked the time. 10:15. I show the lady my ticket. And run inside the airplane. I found a seat in the back and sighed in relief.

"OK, everyone." A lady in the front said. "Next stop. Yokohama!"

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