Chapter 68: Beach Day

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Me and C/n walk down the sidewalk.

"So, what are we doing first?" C/n asks.

"Well... We could go to the beach." I said.

"Really?!" C/n exclaims. "Wait, how exactly are you getting away with skipping work?"

"Oh, Dazai's handling it."

~Atsushi's Pov:~
"Did Y/n skip work?" Kunikida said while he was typing on his computer. "Once Mr. Fukuzawa hears about thi-"

"Oh, he won't be hearing anything about this." Dazai cut him off.

"Why not?" Kunikida looked at him, "People can't just be skipping work-"

Dazai suddenly whispered in Kunikida's ear.

F/n heard what he said and immediately acted like she was busy writing on her check board.

Kunikida's face turned red and he looked at Dazai, "How did you-"

"So, are you going to stay quiet and not be a snitch?" Dazai asked, "Or do I have to let Mr. Fukuzawa know about more concerning matters?"

"....." Kunikida went back to work.

Dazai smirked.

"What was that about?" I whispered to Dazai.

"I'm helping Y/n skip work so she can hangout with C/n." He explained.

"Yeah...but, what happened with Kunikida? And why did F/n just get nervous?"

"... you'll learn when you're older, kid."

~Y/n's Pov:~
I was sitting in the sand until I hear C/n.

"Hey, Y/n! Look at this!" He exclaimed.

I looked at him with something in his hand.

"What are you holding?" I asked him.

He opened his hands.

"A hermit crab?!" I looked at him.

"It's named Shelly." He said.


"Say hi, Shelly!" C/n exclaimed and put the crab in front of my face.

I leaned my face away from Shelly, "It looks like it wants to pinch me..." I look at C/n.

"Doesn't sound like Shelly would do that." C/n says. "C'mon, Shelly, let's go!"

I sigh and stand up.

C/n was standing by the ocean with his feet in the water with Shelly in his hands.

"Actually, there's a carnival over here." I say, "Wanna check it out?"

C/n's eyes lit up, "The carnival? Can I bring Shelly?"

"Sorry, C/n." I say, "We have to put Shelly in the ocean. He belongs there."

"What?" He looked sad.


He looked at Shelly, "Farewell, Shelly." He put him in the water, "Till we meet again.."

Shelly didn't move.

I walked beside C/n, "That's weird, why won't he leave?" I said.

Shelly crawled on C/n's foot.

"Shelly..." C/n got on one knee. "You gotta go.."

"C'mon," I turn around and start walking, "Let's go."

~Time Skip~
Me and C/n arrived at the carnival.

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