Chapter 134: Corrupt

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I walked inside the apartments.

Finally. A building that isn't burnt down.

I walked inside the bedroom and went inside the bathroom.

I then gasped.

Blood was on the floor.

"What the hell.." I mumbled.

I noticed a razor on the counter where the sink was.

I blinked twice and grabbed the razor.

Blood was on it.

My eyes widened and I pulled the shower curtain open.

Dried blood was in the tub.

I looked around the bathroom more and finally noticed blood drops on the floor.

This is a lot of blood...

I looked at the bloody razor in my hand.

"Osamu..." I mumbled.

I thought he was done with this shit?!

I felt my eyes water.

I noticed an envelope with a drop of blood on it also laying on the counter.

I set the razor down and grabbed the letter. I slowly opened it.

Dear Y/n,
So, wow. I don't even know how to start this letter. I should have thought about this before I started writing.

I've been wanting to tell you something for a while. It's hard to say this in words but,

I'm in love with you, Y/n. Everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, your smile and personality. I love how you take care of others whenever they need it. I hope you return my feelings.

-The Suicidal Maniac

I felt my eyes begin to water more.

When did he write this?

~No One's Pov:~
Y/n grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter and put it in a holster.

She walked down the hallway and stopped where she could look at the room. She was looking at the letter on the futon.

On the letter, a bracelet with constellation charms and a ring were laying on top.

She looked away. "...I guess we're both unlucky."

She walked out.

~Atsushi's Pov:~~Time Skip~
"She's most likely on her way to the fortress." Ranpo said. "You guys get rid of the drones and be on your way there."

Ranpo was talking to us through an earpiece.

"We're taking a quick stop to get more of my supplies. They'll be useful." Yosano said.

We stopped at the apartments.

Dazai's been really quiet... The only time he'll talk is to tell us to hurry up or how we're wasting time.

He started walking to his apartment.

"What are you doing, Dazai?" I asked.

"...Getting something." Dazai said.

~Dazai's Pov:~
I walked inside the apartment and walked to the closet.

I grabbed a gun hiding in the back.

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