Chapter 37: The Burning Eye

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Everything around me hurts.....
What happened?

I open my eyes but it stings.

I keep them shut.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" I feel someone's hand touch my forehead. "Your temperature's high...."

I recognize their voice. Dazai.

"My eyes hurt..." I mumble.

"You collapsed on the ground, what happened?" He removed his hand away.

"I don't know... My eye started burning and now, they both are." I mumble. "Where am I?"

"You're in my room, on the futon." He said. "How bad are your eyes hurting?

"What are you? My doctor?"

"Answer the question, Y/n and quit being a smart ass." He grumbled.

"Okay! Okay! It's WAY worse then getting soap in your eyes. It feels like hell when I open them." I say.

I feel Dazai lift my head up and open my eye lid.

I hiss at the pain and close them.

"Your eyes are red, like actually GLOWING red." He says. "I would call Yosano, but the power's completely out. The power lines won't work."

"Could you just go get her?" I ask.

He feel him lay my head back down on the pillow. "And leave you alone? God knows what could happen."

I move my right hand and feel his shirt. I grab it.

"Please?" I mumble, "It hurts like hell."

I hear him sigh and stand up.

"I'll be back. Stay here."

I hear him leave and close the door.

My eyes burn even more.

After a few minutes. I hear the door open.

I feel someone's sit by me.

Someone opens my eyelids.


"Ow!" I pull away and close my eyes.

"Just like you said." Akiko sighs.

"What's wrong with her?" Dazai asks.

"I'm not sure. Get Ranpo."

I hear the door close.

"Akiko?" I say.

"Yes, Y/n?"

"How bad are my eyes?"

"Well, they're glowing and the white part of your eye is red too......" She said, "Like you just had your contact dry out kind of red."

I hear the door open and shut.

"Okay, let's see the situation he-"

"LET ME SEE MY SISTER!" I hear B/n cut Ranpo off.

I feel someone open my eyelid. B/n?

"Ow! Quit that!" I close them.

I feel someone else sit beside B/n and open my eyelid.

"Ow! What did I say?!" I close them.

"She looks like she's high...." B/n mumbles.

"What are you looking at me for?!" I hear Dazai say.

"What was she doing in your room the first place?" B/n asks suspiciously.

"Y/n, how do your eyes feel?" Ranpo asks.

"Like hell is living in my eyes whenever I open them." I mumble.

"Okay.... It does remind me of her ability..." Ranpo mumbles. "I got it!"

"What?!" Everyone says, including me.

"Her second ability is having an awakening!" Ranpo says.

"A what?" I hear B/n say.

"Well, her second ability is simply having almost of an.... An Update!"

"An update?!" I say, "What am I? Software?!"

"Or... In other words, it's mutating." Ranpo explains.

"But I didn't even see that machine!" I say.

"I know." Ranpo mumbles, "I don't see abilities do this very often...."

"So... Will I live?..."

"Yes, you're fine." Ranpo says, "Just stay cold and it won't hurt as much...."

I hear the door shut and people leave.

"Am I the only one left?..." I mumble.

"Nope, just you and me." I hear Dazai say.

I feel his head on my stomach.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"Taking a nap." He says.

"At this time right now?!"

"Y/n, it's 4:00 in the morning. I need the sleep."

"Okay, but why on me?"

I feel him hug my back. I completely freeze and try to contain my panicking.

"You're soft and warm...."

I didn't say anything else. After a while... I managed to fall asleep also...

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now