Chapter 35: Waking Up

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~Y/n's Pov:~
I opened my eyes. I remembered getting drunk at Elise's party last night.


I sit up and realized I was only in my leggings and undershirt. I noticed Dazai using my sweater as a pillow. And using his coat as a blanket.

The realization suddenly hit me.

Dazai opens his eyes and looks at me. "Hey, look who's finally awake-"

"YOU'RE DISGUSTING!" I throw my pillow at him.

"Ouch? What did I do?!" He looked at me.


"Uh..." Dazai rubs the back of his head, "Hey, I didn't do anything like that to you!"

"How am I supposed to trust you when I completely had my guard down? Atsushi is definitely not my favorite person in the world right now! I have no clue of what could have happened!"

Dazai smirked and looked at me. "You don't remember anything?"

"No.... What's up with the smirk?"

He crawled to where I was and leaned close to my face.

I felt my face become red.

"You don't remember saying that you liked games?" He asked.

I then suddenly remembered.

I felt me blush even more. "I- I uh..... I-I mean.... I..."

He leaned closer and laid his hand right beside my leg. "Not a clue?"

"U-uh....." I leaned my face away.

He only leaned closer.

"Dazai... What are you doing...."

He leaned even closer, our faces were only an inch apart.

I close my eyes, not knowing what was going to happen.

I suddenly feel something on my nose.

I open my eyes and see Dazai's finger on my nose.

"Boop!" He smiled.

I glare at him and push him away from me.

"Hey! You're so mean~"

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Okay, I'm getting dressed." I point at the hallway.

"Okay.... And?" He looked at me.

"I'm changing?"


"Could you get out?"


"Because I'm about to change!"


"I swear to God." I grab clean clothes and go to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I decided while I'm in here I needed to take a shower.

~Time Skip~

I walk out of the shower, drying my hair with a towel in my clean clothes.

"About time..." Dazai complained.

"That shower actually helped my headache.." I sighed.

I set the towel down and was fixing my futon.

I all of a sudden feel someone drying my hair.

I look behind me and see Dazai.

"What are you doing?.." I look at him.

"Drying your hair." He turned my head around and continued to dry my hair.

I then felt a brush go through my hair.

"You're brushing it too?" I look at him.

"Yes, now stay still." He turned my head around again and brushed through my hair.

"Time to turn around."

I looked at him.

He smiled. "Beautiful as always~"

I blushed and looked away.

"We should probably go to the agency now...."

"No need." Dazai said, "Fukuzawa gave us a day off because everyone has a bad headache from the party last night, including him."

I sighed in relief.

"Where's Akiko?" I look at him.

"Went to go shopping again."

I sighed and grabbed my laptop and sat on my futon. I put an earbud in my ear and put on a movie.

"What are you doing?" He looked at me.

"Watching a movie, what does it look like?"

He scooted beside me and placed the other earbud in his ear.

I put on the Japanese subtitles for him.

~Time Skip~ ~No one's Pov:~
Dazai looked at Y/n as she was sleeping.

She had fell asleep during the movie.

Dazai closed Y/n's laptop and laid his head on her pillow. Right beside her head.

He stared and looked at the ceiling.

He drifted off into sleep too.

~Time Skip~~Back to Y/n's Pov:~
I open my eyes and see Dazai's head next to mine.

I blush and look at the ceiling.


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