Chapter 25: B/n's Exam

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I wake up and feel someone's head on my stomach.

I open my eyes and see Dazai asleep. He had taken his coat off.

What's he doing on my stomach?..... It's making me uncomfortable..... Oh, wait..... WHY IS HE SLEEPING ON ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?

He shifted and wrapped his arms around my back.

What is he doing..... Does he know I'm awake?.... Or is he still asleep?....

I couldn't tell. I just laid there completely frozen, not wanting to wake Dazai.

Actually.... This isn't that bad now that I think about it.

I heard a knock on the door.

Dazai lifted his head up and walked to the door. I still acted as if I was asleep.

So he was awake....

I heard the door open.

"Good morning, B/n!"

Holy crap it's morning? Where's Akiko?

"What are you doing here?" B/n asked. "Did you stay the night here?"

"You could say that...." Dazai said.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" B/n shouted.

"I did nothing!" Dazai said nervously. "I didn't even touch her!"

Definitely not, Dazai....

"Where's Y/n?" B/n asked.


"Let me inside."

"I don't know if I should.......  I'll have to ask Y/n...." Dazai said in an annoying tone.

"I'm her brother, I don't need to ask to come inside her house."

"Well.... This is Yosano's place too..."

"Who the fuck is Yosano? Nevermind, just let me inside." B/n said.

I heard the door shut.

"DAZAI! LET ME INSIDE!" I heard B/n shout.

I stood up and left the room to  see Dazai lock the door.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked Dazai while leaned on the door frame to my room. "He's gonna kill you."

"It depends how he will." Dazai replied.

"A long, slow, and painful death." I said.

He immediately opened the door without hesitation after I said that.


"B/n. It's too early for this." I groaned.

"I don't care. F/n, me, and you are meeting at some cafe..." B/n said while stepping inside.

"She even got up early for this?" I yawned.

"Can I come too?!" Dazai asked excitedly.

"Of course!" B/n exclaimed.


"No." He said coldly.

"Give me a moment..." I said walking into my room.

"Why the hell do you have your day clothes on?" B/n asked.

"Long story." I closed the door shut.

I opened my closet and grab another pair of clean clothes.

I put my beige sweater over my black undershirt and slide open the door.


~Time Skip~

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now