Chapter 128: Drones

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~Atsushi's Pov:~
I walked over to the rest of the Agency. "I couldn't find any more survivors outside."

Fukuzawa nodded, "Hopefully they're safe."

"Fukuzawa." Mori was walking over to us. "All survivors are inside the tunnels."

"Alright." Fukuzawa said.

"What do we do now?" Kyouka asked.

"We're back!" I heard someone say.

I looked to my left and saw B/n, Kenji, and Akiko.

"Where did Dazai go?" Junichiro asked.

"He said he had to go somewhere because he was taking orders from the President." B/n said. "He said that the president told him to check the port."

"I didn't give him those orders." Fukuzawa said.

We all looked at Fukuzawa in surprise.

"Then where did he go?" I asked.

~No One's Pov:~
Dazai ran down Yokohama. The end of his coat was flying behind him.

He stopped whenever he saw a fortress.

"There it is.." He mumbled.

~Sigma's Pov:~
"Lea-Lea!" Nikolai said.

"What, Nikolai?" Y/n was writing in the book.

We were all sitting at the table.

"I've noticed something."

She looked over her book. "What?"

"You said you're the ability Dark Web, right?"

"Correct. Why?"

"Y/n L/n is the two-ability user. What happened to the first ability?"

"Oh, Digital Web?" She said. Suddenly, her calm expression then became a wicked grin. "She is no two-ability user. That is merely what she's known by. Dark Web isn't just some ability. I'm a virus."


"Virus? How interesting. So you must've been a virus inside Digital Web?"

"Yes. Any other questions?" Her face was back to calm.

"What's your alibi on destroying Yokohama?"

Her face was still the same expression, "I want to feel a true emotion."

"Huh?" I said.

"Since I am only a digital ability and a virus, I can only feel rage and emptiness. I want to feel joy. I smile and get excited. But I mean a warm, real, and happy joy." She looked back at the book. "But don't worry, I already know your motive."

"My motive?" Nikolai said.

"Yes. You see most people as if they are a bird locked in a cage. You want to be free to hide from what you see in yourself."

Nikolai's eyes went wide.

"I may have almost no emotion." Her eyes were closed. They opened while looking at Nikolai, "But I can see your reason clearly."

"You're the 2nd person to understand that." Nikolai said. "I guess you do know everything."

How long will it take for them to acknowledge that I'm here?

"Sigma." Y/n said.

It's like she read my mind.

I looked at her.

"All of the drones were set and ready, correct?"

"Yes. The rocket is as well."

She nodded.

"What are you planning to do with the drones and rocket?" Nikolai asked. "How did you even make those?"

She sighed, "You ask way too many questions. They're for patrolling Yokohama. They also have weapon defenses. I made them myself. They'll also be our little cameras."

She formed a digital screen in front of her. It was the color red.

Remarkable ability.

"You both do know I have the potential to manipulate abilities with their blood, correct?"

"Yes. Must be useful." Nikolai said.

"It is. Right now, I've been picking on an Agency member named Junichiro Tanizaki. His ability is Light Snow. An illusion ability."

He can form illusions..

"I've been secretly using my ability to cut people and transfer their blood to me so I can manipulate their ability. I used Tanizaki's ability on Y/n. She completely fell for my trick."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I made her believe someone she loved was cheating on her with her best friend. Her friend's also pregnant, so I made Y/n believe the baby secretly belonged to the one she loved."

"Oof." Nikolai said.

"The baby actually belongs to a man named Doppo Kunikida. He's one of my first targets." She giggled, "Oh, I'm so excited to see him bleed!"

Yeah... I'm the only sane person in this room.

~Dazai's Pov:~
I was hiding behind a wall while eavesdropping on the clown from before, some other guy, and Y/n.

"Oh, I'm so excited to see him bleed!" Y/n smiled.

That's not Y/n at all.

I clenched my fist.

That ability tricked her and made her believe things that weren't true.

No wonder Y/n was losing it whenever I saw her.

~Sigma's Pov:~
Y/n tapped the screen. "Alright, now the fun part can start." She leaned back in her seat.

Screens formed in front of us. It showed buildings.

"That's our little cameras." She smirked.

"What's gonna happen now?" Nikolai asked.

Y/n smiled evilly. "I may have taken a dead man's blood for our little show."

"Ooo! Can I name the show?" Nikolai asked. "I think I remember you telling me about that!"

"Go ahead."

"It can be, The City of Room Terrors!"

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