Chapter 86: Valentine's Day

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I ran to my apartment after work was over and ran inside my bedroom.

The dance was in 4 hours. That's 4 hours to get ready.

I take a shower.

~Time Skip~
I get out of the shower and dry my hair. I wrap a towel around me.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I walked over to the door.

"It's F/n." She said.

"Come inside then." I walk inside my room and slide the door closed.

She knocked on my bedroom door.

"Give me a moment, F/n. I'm getting dressed."

"Okay, don't take too long."

I open the door with a long sleeve shirt and shorts on.

She was wearing a T-shirt and sweat pants. "We can get in our dresses once we finish our hair, make up, etc." She said and walked in my room.

"Okay." I say.

She looked at me. "Could I please, please, please-"

"What is it, F/n?" I signed.

"Could I please just straighten your hair and then curl the ends? Please!"

"How curly will the ends be?"


"I don't see why not."

~Time Skip~
"Ow.. you burned my ear a little..." I mumbled.

"Oh sorry!" She said, "Is it bad?"

"Oh, no. It was only for a second."

"Okay. And...done!"

I looked in the mirror.

"You look so pretty~" She said.

I chuckled, "Thanks... Your turn!"

~Time Skip~
After straightening F/n's hair, me and her got in our dresses. She changed in the bathroom, I changed in my room.

"Okay. I'm done!" I tell F/n.

She opens the door. "Oh, you look great!"

"Thank you. You do too."

I lean on the wall as I put my white stockings on. They reached my knees. I slipped my shoes on too.

I hear someone knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?"


"You can come in."

Akiko walked inside the room. Her eyes lit up. "Oh, you two look great!"

"You too, Akiko." I say.

She was wearing a green dress that stopped on the bottom of her knees. There was a white belt around her waist.

"Wow, Yosano!" F/n exclaimed, "I love that dress!"

She smiled, "Thank you both. Want me to do your makeup?"

~Time Skip~
I kneeled down as Akiko kneeled in front of me. She had just finished F/n's makeup.

"You don't wear makeup often, do you, Y/n?" F/n asked.

"Every once in a while I will." I say.

"Okay... Hold still.." Akiko said as she put the foundation on my face.

After she finished with the base, she grabbed mascara.

~Time Skip~
"Perfect! All done!" Akiko said while standing up.

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