Chapter 46: A Job with Atsushi

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I was bored at my desk. I started playing candy crush on my phone.

"Y/n and Atsushi are going on a job." Kunikida said as he looked at me.

"Wait, what?" I look at Kunikida, "But-"

"You have any idea on how much I do not care?" Kunikida told me.

I look at the date, November 20th.

"The job is about some missing people." Kunikida explained.

I sighed.

~Atsushi's Pov:~
"Going on a job with Y/n can't be that bad." I said.

"Ohhh. You've never been on a job with Y/n, have you?" Dazai looked at me.

"Yeah, I haven't."

"Just stay on her good side. When people don't..... She can get..."

"Get what?" I ask.

"B/n." Dazai said.

B/n looked up from his desk.

"Exactly how violent can Y/n get?" Dazai asked.

B/n's eyes went wide. He immediately looked back at his computer, "I'm just going to act like I never heard that question....."

Can Y/n get that bad?

~Time Skip~~Y/n's Pov:~
Me and Atsushi walked inside the police station.

"Oh, it's you two." Minoura said, he was right by the front desk.

"We're here about the people who have gone missing." Atsushi said.

"Well... So far we've figured out somewhere that could have more evidence..... The bad part is... We need a key to get inside." Minoura said. "We've tried everything to open it. I mean everything. We just need that key."

"Any idea where we can find one?" I ask.

"Well, I've heard rumors that there's a gang who know the kidnapper. They say they're the ones who hold the key for him." Minoura said.

"Where can I find them?" I ask.

~Time Skip~~Atsushi's Pov:~
"Y/n! You're actually going to barge in that bar like you know the place and take the key?! Are you insane?!" I asked Y/n.

We were walking on the sidewalk.

"Yes, now calm down." She looks at me. "With my two abilities and your tiger ability, they're nothing compared to us."

"Some of these gang members have abilities their selves!" I tell her.

"Okay, and?"

Wow she isn't afraid of much, is she? This is an elite gang..

We finally make it to the destination.

"Y/n, let's think about this first,"

She was already opening the door.

~Y/n's Pov:~
Me and Atsushi walk inside. All I see is men. Gross ones too....

"Who do we have here?" A man looked at me.


"L/n Y/n." I say, "Detective Agency member."

"Nakajima Atsushi." Atsushi says beside me. "Also part of the agency..."

"How could we help a pretty girl like you?" The man walked up to me. "This is our gang's property."

Oh my God. He smells like beer and vomit...

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