Chapter 137: Epilogue

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"Osamu, quit eating the yogurt melts." I sighed, "That's Yozo's."

"Yozo can share." Dazai said.

I saw Yozo playing with Etsuko, F/n and Kunikida's child.

Etsuko had Kunikida's looks, but she also had F/n's love for animals.

Yozo was me and Dazai's child. He had my hair and Dazai's eyes. Etsuko was 1 and a half years old. Yozo was only 6 months old.

"Oi, give me some." Ranpo reached out his hand.

Dazai gave Ranpo some of the yogurt melts.

B/n sighed, "Might as well share with me too."

Ranpo gave some yogurt melts to B/n.

"Hey, we're here!" F/n walked inside the house with Kunikida beside her.

Etsuko was reaching for F/n as she picked her up.

"Hey, F/n!" I waved.

"How was she? Did her and Yozo get along?"

"Yeah, they did." Dazai said.

"Are those yogurt melts?" Kunikida said.

"....No." Dazai hid them behind his back.

Ranpo and B/n put the rest of the yogurt melts in their mouth.

I sighed and stood up. I grabbed Yozo. "It's about to be his bedtime. I'll see you guys later."

"Alright, we're out." B/n dragged Ranpo out.

"Hey! I wanted more yogurt melts!" Ranpo complained as they walked out the door.

"Bye, Y/n! Bye, Dazai!" F/n and Kunikida walked out.

"Bye!" Me and Dazai waved.

"Alright, put the yogurt up." I looked at Dazai.

"Aw, but they're so good! Why do babies get the good food?"

I chuckled and walked down the hallway. I walked inside Yozo's room.

Me and Dazai had moved to a larger house during my pregnancy. Kunikida and F/n did as well after Etsuko was born.

I still remember Dazai's face whenever I told him the news.

I looked at the pregnancy test in my hands.

What will he think?! Will he leave me?!

I felt my eyes begin to water.

"Y/n!~" Dazai entered the apartment.


I closed the bathroom door.

"I'm back with takeout!"

"I'm in the bathroom!" I said.

I looked back at the test.

I walked out of the bathroom, to the kitchen to where Dazai was sitting.

"U-um... Osamu.."

"Yeah?" He looked at me.


"Are you alright?"

I walked over to him. I slowly placed the pregnancy test on the table.

Dazai's eyes widened and he grabbed it.

"....I'm pregnant." I looked at the ground. "I'm sorry...I-"

He suddenly hugged my waist with tears in his eyes. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He kissed my stomach. He had the happiest smile on his face.

He stood up and kissed me. I kissed him back.
{Flashback Over}
"Boop!" Dazai gently touched Yozo's nose.

Me and Dazai walked out of his room.

I yawned. "Alright, I'm getting some sleep."

"Aw, but I wanted to hangout with my wife~"

I chuckled, "Alright, alright. But we have work in the morning."

Dazai's eyes lit up and he grabbed my hand. He ran to the living room.

We both jumped on the couch.

Dazai put on a movie.

I leaned my head on Dazai's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me.

Dazai looked at me, "I guess we're both lucky."

I looked at him in surprise, I then smiled.

"Yeah. We are."

The End

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