Chapter 85: Shopping and Raccoons

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I open my eyes when I hear a knock on the door.

I opened the door. "F/n?"

"The dance is in a week!" She said, "You know what that means~"

I smile. "I'll get dressed."

~Time Skip~
Me and F/n walked on the sidewalk.

"So, what are these few stores that you know?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll see."

We walked inside a store.

~Atsushi's Pov:~
I look up from my desk when I hear sobbing.

"What the..." I mumbled and walked out of the agency.

I walk inside the hallway and blink in surprise.

"Wanna Pocky?" Ranpo asked.


"Is everything okay...?" I asked.

Ranpo sighed, "Poe wanted us to watch Karl for him."

"Oh, and?"


I jolt back in surprise. "A raccoon?"

"Now, Poe's probably gonna trap me in a book forever.." B/n sighed. He took the Pocky from Ranpo's hands and ate it.

"I'll help." I say, "Where'd you guys last see him?"

"Train station." B/n and Ranpo say in unison.

"Why there?"

"He ran off." Ranpo explained. "We tried to stop him. I know where he was going though."

"Huh? Where?

Ranpo sighed, "The dentist."

~Y/n's Pov:~
"Um.... This one doesn't feel right..." F/n mumbled.

She was trying on a dress.

"You still look good... It just doesn't match what you like." I say.

She nodded. "Any dresses you want to try on?"

I look around and look at some of the dresses. I sighed and tried to look more.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" F/n asked.

"Nothing... I just can't find one.." I mumbled.

"Okay, to the next store!" F/n said.

~Atsushi's Pov:~
We walked inside a train.

"Why would Karl go to the dentist specifically?" I asked Ranpo and B/n.

"Poe's letting us watch Karl because he has a dentist appointment..." B/n explained.

"Oh, so he was looking for Poe?"

"Correct." Ranpo said.

We suddenly heard squeaking noises. I turn around and see a raccoon.

"KARL!" We all said in unison.

"I thought he was going to the dentist?!" B/n looked at Ranpo.

"Must've changed his mind?" I said.

The train stopped and Karl ran out.

We run out of the train.

"Where'd he go?!" B/n looked around.

"Probably anywhere away from us!" Ranpo said, "Wait.." He looked at the ground. "He has footprints."

"I can use my tiger ability to track his scent." I say.

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