Chapter 90: The Necklace

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I walk with Akiko to the agency. I spot everyone else in the front of the building.

"Y/n, Yosano!" Kenji waved.

We walked over to them.

"Did Atsushi and Junichiro find anything last night?" Akiko asked.

"Yes, actually." Mr. Fukuzawa said. "Y/n, B/n, Kunikida, Dazai, and Atsushi are investigating."

"What about Ranpo?" I asked.

"Oh, he's on a job in Tokyo. He left earlier this morning." Mr. Fukuzawa explained.

"Alright. Let's get going, we're already 19 seconds behind." Kunikida said.

~Time Skip~
We made it to the scene. It was an alley way.

Wow... So many bodies..

"Alright, Atsushi and Y/n." B/n said, "Me and you two are on dead body duty."

Me and Atsushi sighed.

~Time Skip~
As B/n was grabbing a bullet from a body, I looked at Atsushi.

"Did you see anything when you got here?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, we were too late.. I just don't get it.. how could someone just shoot whenever we're 10 seconds away from them and be gone whenever we're there?" He sighed.

I noticed something on the dead man's neck.

Why do I wanna look at it?

I noticed it was a necklace, I take the necklace off his neck.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" B/n asked me.

It had a weird symbol on it. It was an eagle with a sun behind it.

"Huh.. weird." I mumbled.

"Y/n, what makes you think you can just take a dead person's belonging?" B/n asked me.

"I feel like I've seen this before..."


"I don't know..." I look at the dead man.

He seems familiar too... Where have I seen him?

Atsushi checked his wallet. "His ID is in English.." he gives it to me.

I looked at it. "He's an American.... He was a professor in science at {Dream College}.."

"Wait... He taught you in college!" B/n said.

Wait... I actually went to {Dream College}?

"What's this about?" Kunikida asked while he and Dazai walked over to us.

"He taught me in college..." I mumbled. "Professor Thomas Sinclair..." I was reading his ID name.

That name is a little familiar too...

"Why do you think he was in Yokohama of all places?" B/n asked me.

"I'm not sure.." I mumbled.

I stared at the ID, I then look at the necklace.


I suddenly felt the Deja Vu feeling again.

I look around me.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Atsushi asked.

"Are you guys also feeling that?" I look at Atsushi.

"Feeling what?" Kunikida asked.

"Like you're getting Deja Vu...."

"Why is this a big deal?" B/n asked me.

"The same thing happened yesterday." I look at B/n. "I was with Kyouka. I don't even remember being somewhere like this while looking down on someone..."

I felt someone touch my forehead. I noticed it was Dazai.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

The feeling suddenly went away.

"Anything happen?" He asked.

"The feeling went away."

"That's strange." Atsushi said.

"I used my ability on her, if the feeling stopped, then that means..."

"Someone was using an ability on Y/n." B/n said.

"Correct." Dazai said.

"But there's no one around here but us." I say.

"I know. That's the weird part..." Dazai looked at me. "And I don't know what that ability does whenever it makes you feel like that..."

"Maybe it's... Trying to control you with your mind!" Atsushi says.

"I'm not doing anything right now by being controlled." I look at Atsushi.

".... Putting things in your mind to make you think things that aren't true? Like hallucinations?" B/n said.

"I'm pretty sure I can see normal things around me."

"What about.. reading your mind!" Atsushi said.

"... Slight possibility." I said.

"Well I feel bad for whoever's reading your thoughts." B/n sighed.

I elbowed him.


I look at the necklace, then back at the dead man.

I wonder if me and him got along.

"Alright, we'll report what we found to Mr. Fukuzawa tomorrow. For now, we're done with today." Kunikida said. "Maybe be careful for whoever wants to 'read' your mind or something like that. I'm sure we'll figure that out later."

Everyone got up and started walking away, I was still staring at the necklace.

"Y/n, are you coming?" Atsushi asked me.

"Yeah, just give me a moment." I say.

He nods and continues walking.

I look at the necklace and slip it into my pocket.

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