Chapter 97: Hospital Day

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I slowly opened my eyes. I sat up.

Where am I?

I was in a hospital bed in an unfamiliar room.

Am I.. in a hospital?

I noticed I was in white pajamas.

I looked my arms and noticed bandages on my right arm. I tried to move my right arm. I could move it, it just feels like it's sore..

I looked out the window for a few seconds. I got up from the bed and stood up. My left leg felt sore too.

I was about to walk to the door.

The door opened and a nurse walked inside. "L/n? You cannot be out of the room until you heal completely."

"I'm fine. I'm able to walk." I said.

"You supposed to be leaving the hospital at the end of the day. You still have today to rest. I'd take that chance if I were you."

"Too bad you're not me." I said.

"L/n. Please rest."

I sighed, "Do you guys serve coffee to patients here?"

~Time Skip~
"Here you go." The nurse gave me a cup of coffee.

"You look awfully young to be a nurse. I respect that." I said and sipped my coffee.

"Oh, well. I'm 18 years old. I got a job here at the hospital a few months ago.."

"What's your name?"

"It's Kokoro."

Kokoro had black hair that was down.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, L/n."

"You're allowed to call me by my first name." I said.

"It would feel wrong if I did."

"Well, you're allowed to anytime." I sipped my coffee again. "Oh, wait. Is there anyone here with the last name Dazai?"

"Oh, that man. He's been eager to see you ever since he woke up."

"He has? Can I see him?"

"Sorry. I'm afraid that's not allowed. You'll be able to see him once you both are released from the hospital."

I sighed. "Anyone with the last name Nakajima? Or Izumi?"

"Oh, they left yesterday."

"Kunikida? Yosano?"

"They left too."

"Anyone with the same last name as me also here?"


"Tanizaki? Miyazawa? Poe? Montgomery?"


"So... It's just me and Dazai?"

"There's other patients still here."

"How do you even remember who left and who's here?"

"I'm pretty talented with my memory. I remember really well on who the patients left today and who's still here."

"I'm impressed."

"Thank you."

"So.... Can I see Dazai-"


~Time Skip~
I sighed and stared out the window.

I heard the door open. I looked to my left.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now